The Grand Cafe

All insurance companies are fraudsters in my opinion. They arbitrarily decide on price increases without rhyme or reason.
My wife paid less for her Mini Cooper S than she did for her Hyundai Tucson Hybrid this year. What are they gauging that on, as both cars cost about the same, we’re being driven by the same person, using the vehicle in exactly the same way, living in the same place etc etc…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy it was cheaper. I just don’t understand why.
I also don’t understand how mine went up 30% this year with no change in vehicle or circumstances. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Mine did the same but after a stressful merry go round I just paid it. They are all in it together and know it’s hassle to change companies.

Not going to make some people happy. Blessed are the cheese makers :grin:


All gone quiet over here on that awful death cap mushroom case? If she did it deliberately, how did she think she would get away with it.

Yes it’s a good thing it’s not world champion mushroom year. :grin:

Probably shouldn’t say much but it does sound suspicious. She apparently can’t remember were the Asian shop was she bought them from.

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3 weeks out from starting our demo. Builders terms agreed budget in place. Then apparently all I have to do is pray.


Hope all goes well🤞🏽

Which celeb are you getting to break ground with the silver shovel?

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Good point I hadn’t thought that.

Fingers crossed for a ‘low stress’ development…:crossed_fingers:t3:

On a serious note it might be worth thinking about if you are going to run the gallery as a commercial proposition. Local mayor involvement etc.
Good luck with it all.

That’s funny our local council is over 2 hours away by car plus we’re on the western side of the Pacific Highway. You only ever see them every election. I’d rather get the half back from the local women’s rugby union team.


LOL. :+1:t2:


Pete, your use of English, as you so often remind us, is pretty loose. Did you mean ‘pray’ or did you mean ‘pay’ :sunglasses:


Both seems appropriate😂


He’s paying for the builder and praying for the woman’s rugby half back :roll_eyes:


It was deliberate but I was going to put pay in brackets. :grin:


Again both. :grin:


I’m so outraged at your last post I’ve deleted it.
