The Grand Cafe

So I’ll book you in for a few days over summer. :grin:


60 years ago you could have booked me for the full summer :sunglasses:

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I’ll happily pop over to do some labouring Pete. Can you arrange the osteopath, chiropractor and ambulance for lunchtime?


60 years ago I wasn’t 10.

Love to have you but we’re flat being able just to see our own GP. I rang last week and can’t get in till mid next month.

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Dear Eoin

(/Quote) I have an MRI scan Friday after which, assuming my stomach narrowing isn’t malignant, they’ll schedule an urgent op to remove my gallbladder to avoid a recurrence of the pancreatis.
I’d say I do need the NHS and as it’s saved my life at least twice in the last 12 months and 10 days I am also a fan.

Ye Gods Eoin, I am so sorry to read this , you’ve had more than enough surgery - you’ll soon have scars in places where other people don’t have places

Hopefully it will all be routine

My very best wishes

PS I was very disappointed to read that the Sound Of Music was not on your Top Ten albums, everybody deserves an Edelweiss moment .


Oh no they don’t. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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My sister has been listening to Sound of Music for years with her groupies. I’m still traumatised.

I’ve never seen/heard it other than bits I’ve been unfortunate enough to have mistakenly heard. My eldest daughter threatens me that when I’m old and in care she’ll make me listen to it.


Thanks a lot Ian. Sorry about the Sound of Music. :laughing:

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60 years ago I wasn’t even a Fetus🤣

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Hoping all goes well Ian.
In my experience pre op care is excellent as well as the actual procedures but post op not so good. Front line staff are so overworked and understaffed they just want to sign you off. Alarming how many in the NHS only working 2 days a week.


I was 11 but was still up for some manual labour if I got paid. Luckily I was big for my age so didn’t have to go up the chimneys.:rofl:

I’m not that tall and once had a job as builders labourer on commercial sites. Pricks use to fill my burrow higher than the rest of the guys. They even had to get me a smaller jackhammer. :rofl::rofl:


I suspect one problem is that they have to work 12-hour shifts. That is a long day. It would be better (and more expensive, of course) if they did 8-hour shifts.

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Breathe deeply , and if people are rude or seem uncaring maybe they are people under stress and letting that stress show .

I hope the architect has a design that will capture that incredible light as a permanent feature for you!


Where is the Studio going, or will that be a separate building including a nice Gallery?:thinking:

You fell foul of Men At Work ?

In the land down under?

Best wishes



They were wild days when I think of some of the things we did on site it’s wonder one of us weren’t killed or injured.

The arrogance of youth.

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