The Grand Cafe

Thank you David.

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I could argue all day with a lot of people I know about politics and the state the world is in but itā€™d be pointless. Donā€™t think I know anyone whoā€™s changed their opinion as a result of conflict and often only strengths their resolve.

Best approach is to respect each otherā€™s opinions and move on besides itā€™d be a boring old world if we all agreed with each other.


I like a good political discussion and I find it can be done with respect and fun. With my brother though it escalates quickly somehow. Iā€™ve had a chat with my parents and they have the same issue and apparently they - and my other brother and sister refuse to have any sort of political discussion with my problematic brother.

I use to enjoy the odd political debate as well but Iā€™m finding it more difficult these days as both sides seem to have lost all tolerance and objectivity.

Years ago if your party lost youā€™d whinge for about 2 minutes and move on now itā€™s all manufactured rage.


Itā€™s reassuring, in an odd sort of way, to know that political discussion is more like vexatious argument in far more counties than the U.K.

Probably best to ease off even this sort of discussion, given the Forum rules ?


I think all the pandemic drama was the straw that broke the camels back in terms of social cohesion.

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I donā€™t think so it was long before that imo.


Iā€™ve a marked moment where I was shocked by the argumentation of the other side.

I was working for an American software company and in the office somewhere in the californian Bay Area. I was as a junior pulled into some meeting with a vendor trying to sell us a concept. I asked some fair questions. The sales guy responded: ā€˜you even donā€™t know how wrong you areā€™.

This was certainly not political and Facebook was just an online photobook in that time.

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For your next hangover :joy:


Thanks Gazza. :grin:


I donā€™t want to even think :thinking: about it

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Youā€™re up late or an early start :grin:

This guyā€™s apparently on the run here, heā€™s going to be pretty difficult to find once he slips into the general public. :grin:


Pride of the nation. Where would we be without those guys?

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Went to the local museum today and found out a little about our old building. The wonderful women that run this was one of the original owners and the ones who responsible for destroying the beautiful old facade.


My wife and daughter (14) battle now on a daily basis. Iā€™m kind of immune since Iā€™ve a good sense of humour which helps avoiding all sorts of denigrating comments. My wife doesnā€™t and takes it too serious which is usually the fuel for a good fight.

I hope this gets over soon.

We had this a few years backā€¦ā€¦itā€™s not great. My daughter was playing up, truantingā€¦.not going to school. It seems to be worse for girls, we were very worried.
If you look it upā€¦.at some age in our teens we lose a significant number of brains cells, we then get rewired to be the person we are?
Stay strongā€¦ā€¦my wife took most of the griefā€¦ā€¦she is a wonderful daughter on the other sidešŸ™


Her brother who is 16 now is no problem at all and showing signs of being a grown up e.g. by cleaning the table without us asking it. The contrast is quite big at the moment.

I know itā€™s just a phase but I find myself acting as a mediator or police agent more and more.

So far school and friends go well touch wood.

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We only had boys who thankfully have grown up into two young men who I am immensely proud of. We never had a daughter so I donā€™t have much advice, but equally I know of parents who have struggled with teenagers irrespective of the sex of their children. Stay strong and keep that wonderful sense of humour that shines through regularly in your posts.


Look up the brain cell declineā€¦ā€¦it happens over a few yearsā€¦ā€¦some theories it happens earlier in girls and sort of recurs with an oncoming birth of a child.
Ohā€¦.and bloody social media expectations.

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