The Grand Cafe

In an average life span, every cell in the body is replaced 7 times.

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Yes……but the brain loses neurons in adolescence, but rewires itself. It loses billions of cells….at a very stressful time for kids, hormones etc.
It became very serious for our family……Police with guns😥


Crikey, that is far from good. I’m glad you’ve all come through the other side.


@Ardbeg10y not sure if this helps but I only have daughters (Mrs Pete has sons). I lost both my daughters from about 12-13 till they themselves were parents. Now I’m the favourite parent however I can see it happening again to my (many) granddaughters, I’m pretty sure it’s a hormonal thing and there’s often not much you can do. You just need to make sure their safe, stay consistent and wait it out. Sometimes I think raising pets is far more rewarding.

Good luck.


Bit of drama in our main street this afternoon, this red belly black snake (mid venomous) crossed the street and managed to hide under the flower box in front of the cafe. Safely caught and released back into the wild.


Was that you doing the catching :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:?

Speaking of Cafes , what came of the cafe placard you unearthed during the demolition on your site ?

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No I certainly wasn’t the catcher, but happy to assist.

We’ve saved the beam and it’ll go along the wall between the gallery and my studio.


Our two daughters are quite close together in age and they supported each other well when they were kids and are very good friends now that they are grown up with their own children. So everything mostly worked out pretty well.

But as parents you always worry. When they were both university students home for a holiday, they would often go off to the town to consume alcohol with their erstwhile school friends. One day the younger one came home quite late. My wife asked where the other one was and was she ok? Came the reply “Oh yes she’s fine, but drunker than I have ever seen her….still standing up that is.”


Many years ago I had organ lessons at all saints church in Hove, I had the privilege to turn the pages while my teacher michael Maine played this for me, one those omg moments, I did attempt the pedal part, but as for the rest………
Good luck


Hi Terry, I checked out the organ and it looks impressive! Especially this photo is nice:

Organs are weird things likewise their players and builders.


Not seen @TimOopNorth on the forum for a while, hope all is well?

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We have a least 3 nice organs in Brighton the dome concert hall where Michael played the saint Saens organs symphony and St Peter’s Brighton, I think there are still organ concerts, we are lucky in Brighton in having an active music scene

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We ended a walking holiday in the Black Forest in Freiburg. We were in the Minster when a young man who seemed to be giving a lecture to a group then proceeded to play the organ. I understand all four organs can be played at once from a single console. It was the most incredible sound experience we have ever had, you could feel the notes through your body, the sound was everywhere. It was both a physical and very emotional experience, never to be forgotten and quite by chance. We felt privileged to hear it.


Sounds as if “hormones” are kicking in.

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Defo! I’ve been reading up a bit and to be honest, she exactly matches the textbook stories. I could have known, since as a baby she was already following the books.

That’s different to our boys which don’t follow the textbooks at all. They’re different and at the moment that’s a blessing. Kid 1 is (like his dad :-)) the easiest teenager on the northern hemisphere.

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How is the demo/build coming along?


Agnes Incoming :flushed:


@igahman, Steve - if you want any support, the cafe might help if needed. Take care.


I’m not sure mine ever grew back … :upside_down_face:


Wow, that does sound serious. Sorry to hear.