The Grand Cafe

Have a blast.

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According to our credit cards we were in Holland, GB and Belgium last month while continuing to spend at home.

You really need to be carefully and read your monthly statement and question everything.

We’ve had to cancel our cards thankfully the bank has refunded the amounts including all additional charges.


Gosh, that’s pretty bad, glad its sorted now.

Bit angry with the bank one transaction was over $1,500.00. I have cards with another bank and they would have sent a text to confirm that amount.

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We had that happen about four years back. $3500 was spent on one of our cards. They covered it and now we only use the one card account, main card and spousal card.
I don’t know how the hell they were able to use it. They used it at a basic department store here that we use all the time, so I guess why they didn’t text us.
We have had the card declined, but then received a text 30 seconds later for verification. The systems are pretty amazing.

A couple of years we got a call early morning from our bank (a different bank) asking us if we were currently in NY. They’d apparently detained someone trying to buy something from a department store.

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Does anyone access the forum via the Discourse app?

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Yes, it’s the only way I access the forum. Quick and easy to get right to where you want to be.

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I don’t and keep getting bounced on trust levels, maybe I should give it ago.

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I access on my phone or iPad and find having an app the just takes me straight to the Naim forum is perfect. I access far more than any other forum I belong to, largely due to the ease of access and also the quality of the discussion and members.

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Done, probably would have used it sooner but I thought you’d have to sign in to a 3rd app.

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I topped off a an already disappointing day by getting myself electrocuted and now in hospital under observation for at least another 4 hours

No need to worry after the initial shock (yes I know) things have settled down.

Some days are diamonds some days are stone.


Good you’re still with us!

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@crispyduck thanks mate (for undisclosed matters)

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Thank goodness you didn’t bite the big one from the shock :zap::zap:
Give yourself a couple of days off when they let you out, you daft old bugger.


How the bloody hell did you do that…?!

As others have said, glad you’re all good Pete…:+1:



No worries - it was completely out of order. ATB

Must be an Aussie ward – good nick, clean and a spare bed…! :rofl:

Just need a Mu-so in there, you’ll be sorted… :grinning:


I’ve got leads hanging off me everywhere and a (vampire) nurse just stuck a cannula in my arm.

They won’t let me out till the doctor sees me again.

I’m bit disappointed the ambulance driver wouldn’t put the lights and sirens on.