The Grand Cafe

Got the galleries facebook page up and running, well not me but the woman that’s doing my new website.


2 starts and finishes for me mate

Believe it or not still good friends with both of them

I liked my first wife unfortunately she passed away about 10 years ago. My second was a disaster, she’s such an evil human being. I unfortunately got neurotic and erotic mixed up.


Ha ha great line there :+1: frame it


Strange, because a superficial look suggests it is everything the UK Naim website should be but isn’t! But if not serving the business there it would seem very odd that Focal/Naim have spent the cost & effort on this (with clearly infinitely more concern for the Naim half of it than was put into the new UK Naim website).

Something occurred to me, so I checked: as far as I can see there is no mention of the forum on that website. So there could be a whole new throng of Naim owners there in Aus/NZ completely unaware of its existence, so not joining on here and telling the other side of the story with their experiences - which might be how good they think the brand (and its new distribution network) is in practice, or might be problems they have. And of course ignorant of the community they can’t benefit from the wealth of unofficial support there is here. Perhaps some of you locally should contact the new Customer Support and point out this omission, and benefits of the forum.

In my Swedish years I had a British PM (we are still in good contact) who disappeared often to go into a room for heated phone calls. On a night in a pub we squeezed the story out of him. Apparently his second & ex wife tried to get as much as possible money from him and these calls were about that. They were only together for a very short period.

The good news later was that their daughter got introduced in the larger family and that’s a good relation now. We got to hear the full story from him and supported him since he clearly found it difficult to deal with it.

That’s rather odd as m second wife also tried to drag wife number 1 into our divorce as well. It worked for a short period by thankfully wife 1 realised the damage they were doing.

Good thing is after rushing into 2 weddings there was almost 20 years between 2nd and 3rd. Thankfully all water under the bridge.

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At the pub for a meal and first beers before seeing The Pink Floyd Experience in Auckland :+1::beer:


Have a great night Mike.


Cheers, ready to go :sunglasses:


Spent a couple hours in hospital today after coughing all night, had this for a week and can’t seem to shake it. After more blood tests and x rays I was discharged with new drugs. I’m hoping tonight isn’t as bad.

Need to be on site next week as we start to lift the panels into place as I’m trying to get the building to lock up before I’m in hospital for a month.


Had kinda forgotten about the build you have so much going on.

The panels have taken about a 4-6 weeks more than we programmed we’ve had a lot of autumn rain.


But you’re still on and Ok for your little stay at the Hilten hopefully?

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What a pain Pete, hope you get over that quickly.

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That’s the plan but things may change, I didn’t need this cold on top of everything else. I’ve learnt a very valuable lesson and will be extremely careful till October


In more ways than one.

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All systems ready to lift the panels in place tomorrow morning.

