The Listening Room Reality

Every venue is different and tastes vary widely. I like a lot of visceral bass punch, and tend to prefer equipment that provides a slightly bloomier bass response. My brother, on the other hand, wants it tight, tight, tight. But, he’s a drummer, I’m a guitar player - we definitely hear music differently from one another. There really is no right or wrong (within a reasonable range of course), which is why many of the more sophisticated bass systems have adjustable Q - so you can dial in the sound you want in your room.

YMMV, just my $.03, etc., etc.

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Misread at first as bloodier bass response maybe linked to punch - made me wince then smile.
That said hear what you’re saying but what’s the “reasonable range”…
I like an increased even bass response, just don’t like it staying more than its welcome.
The dBs also impact decay time so without a fancy system most basic systems have some control.
Enjoy those pugilistic bass lines.

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Lol! It did say bloodier at first - it was an auto-correct typo (or a Freudian slip?) and I fixed it.

I’m not the technical/measurement type, so I can’t give you the quantified response you’re looking for. Perhaps there are others who can. I rely on my years of experience as a critical listener and just fine tune by ear until it ‘sounds right to me’ and then leave it alone until the next time something strikes me as being a little off…

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0.3-0.6sec is the targeted times I came across as “best” for hifi listening when I was looking into it. Less for recording. I’m nearly there now and it does take a LOT of bass traps!

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Thanks for response - appreciate that.
This range was mentioned by John Darko on his recent room treatment video so good to hear this from a couple of sources now.
This is encouraging as I’m within that range between 100hz to 10khz on RT60 (T20 &T30) but a little bit more work required in the 50hz to 100hz range.

Hi, you can try this out for very littel cost.As basstraps use these compresses isolationroles in the corners .If it works for you, wrap them in some nice fabric.Let the plastic wrapping stay on the isolation.You dont need holes or something for these low Frequency standing waves.Dont use absorbsion on this wall ,it takes all the dynamic og fine details out of the music.Diffussion only.I used thes small firewood in some baskets. Its like magic. And then use some absorbsion on the sidewalls.


I just asked my wife and she said absolutely not🤣

In our new basement room no problem

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Currently testing a PSI Audio active bass trap (AVAA AC214) in my small room and it makes noticable difference. Had some challenges around 30 - 35 Hz with vibrations, It is an expensive solution. Also impacts the overall sound signature in a positive way. Also tested absorption panels (made of recycled PET), needed 3-4 layers to improve sound - but has a lot less effect than the active bass trap. Activ bass trap makes sound more relaxed (which allows playing louder without interference of rest of family).


Hi Winkelmr
I have been interested in the avaas for some time. They are pretty expensive and the consensus is that two are required for small/medium rooms.
Would you mind sharing your room shape, dimensions and how many avaas you have, positioning etc.
Also do you have any REW measurements?
Many thanks

lengte of the room is 9 m and width 4 m. Stereo is on the short side. The challenge with the muddy bass (around 35 kHz) is in the left corner (see bass trap on photo) (Bad Guy - Billie Eilish). Other challenge is that there are 2 wooden floors on top of each other - reduced this issue with the Gaia’s. In the wooden chest there are heavy tiles to reduce the vibration. Tests with only 1 bass trap and that works remarkable - have not tested a 2nd one (dealer offered to do so - but don’t think I will need it in my room).


Thanks for the reply. Your room is quite a bit longer than mine at 5m.
Avaa looks very discreet in the corner. Glad it is working out for you.
Must get round to demoing at some point.

At the Bristol hifi show earlier this year the Innous room had an Avaa bass trap placed in each corner at the back of the room.

The speakers were active ATC’s.

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Is your dealer in the Netherlands by any chance? If so which dealt was it?

Dealer in Leiden: studio one, have great experience with them.

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Ordered the Avaa today

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When will you receive them, interested to hear how you get on with them.

Received it this weekend, bass is no longer muddy at low frequency and overall sound is more defined. Have tested the bass trap for 4 weeks (borrowed from dealer) and did do without them for 6 weeks, really missing them.


Excellent, will have to see how to get a demo in the UK

I’ve had mine for about a year and think they are great. For those interested, The Alpha Audio Youtube channel is reviewing them presently and can be expected to publish something within a few weeks.


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