The Listening Room Reality

As I wrote above, we all suffer from the “upgraditis” disease of who is more and who is less …
Serious acoustic treatment in the listening space, treats some of the side effects of the disease, in a very good way … :wink:
I agree with you, I also plan to purchase 552, later on, regardless of the acoustic treatment, I’m sure my system will be heard with him, even better,
Glad to help, my friend.

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I have installed approx half my panels…from Gik two large Alpha panes behind speakers and monster bass traps in corner floor to ceiling where sub is… Results…immediately apparent more detail more upper bass the system is an order of magnitude faster and the imaging has improved. All good so far next phase is the wall behind listening sofa… this will be quite a large area and has 4 tuned scopos bass traps …
Her indoors is not impressed…and is really pissed off…I ended up buying a load of gym equipment…for her…she seems to be mellowing a bit, trouble is she now has a state of the art punch bag … things could get a little dangerous…


You mean you’re not the state of the art punchbag?

Surely these were perfected decades ago?

Not according to my wife!

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Ha ha nothing state of the art about me!!..wish there was…

I can imagine how that conversation went:

  • Darling, can we get a new punchbag?
  • But the one we’ve got is only three years old
  • Yes, but today’s punchbags are so much better

Us blokes, we’d never try that sort of thing with HiFi, would we :wink:

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Certainly not…huhmmm

As promised Rich, here is my GIK membrane tuned absorber tucked in both sides behind the curtains. I angled it into the room more on the far side allowing plenty of air to move around it. I tested with ears only but it was clearly superior to 2 Monster traps (7 inch thick) in the same location. As you can see at the bottom I had to stabilise it a bit, as the side edge it not completely flat presumably due to the membrane design. I’m unsure whether it would work as well being hung flat on a wall, as it seems to like air pressure to move around it. ATB Peter

Hi Peter…are these the Scopus T70’s…600x600mm? I am going to use 4 x 600x600mm T70’s … I am hoping in my small room they will make a good improvement. According to acoustic data they are around twice as efficient compared to 7 inch monsters at tuned frequencies…

Yes they are and 60x120 size :+1:t3: Best Peter

Hi Peter
I do not remember, if you wrote this, but did you make measurements of the room?
Because it is very, very relevant to the usefulness of your absorber.
for example-
If you have a long resonance at 65 HZ, I guess an absorber will not be effective…
In addition,
All the passive acoustic treatment we use is designed for direct placement, without any buffer, such as curtains.
For space enthusiasts without acoustic panels / veto on the part of management :wink:, there is a very expensive but effective solution, in the form of R.C using TRINOVE …

Hi ditton66, as long as you are happy with your room and replay, really is all that matters :+1:t3: ATB Peter

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Hi ditton66

This very much depends on the technology used. Velocity based traps will give up at around 100 Hz (for a 25 cm thickness). Pressure based absorbers can go down to 35Hz.

For high quality music reproduction I certainly wouldn’t use a DSP.

DSP may well solve some problems, especially in the low end, but it creates some others.

If I had the need of an active solution to correct my room’s acoustic, I’d rather go for some active basstraps.


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Aghh it sounds like you have a monster with a range limiter … which would work better with space behind. The scopus are built in 600x600 modules and are like speaker cabinets…with a resonant panel on one face…tuned to a specific frequency…at that frequency they are very efficient allegedly…

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Hi Rich, do not recall my absorbers having a fancy name, but they are pressure membrane activated and have their peak effect at 100Hz and drops very steeply beyond that point. The bass issue in my room was around a 100Hz, so to my ears they were the right treatment 18 months ago. Maybe they we’ve been discontinued….bit like me! :rofl: ATB Peter

Nasty, and obvious to hear on deep male vocal and guitar/bass notes.

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Yeah that sounds about right for monsters with range limiters…and they work even better with space behind…as you find. The scopus are really efficient for about a 10hz bandwidth…after that they tail off. In their bandwidth they are just over twice as efficient as monsters…so I am looking forward to the 4 going up… what surprised me was the mid bass actually got far better…with really good texture and speed.

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Indeed - and you must never, ever, attempt to overcome a bass cancellation using DSP, as that is a very rapid route to speaker destruction.

Room modes, peaks, nulls and why listening position is so important for good bass (more important than speakers’ position).


Another simple and short educational video:
How BASS Works (In Rooms) - Acoustic Geometry - YouTube


I have been going through my albums…blimy the acoustic treatment makes a huge difference.
it is like removing the speaker grills and adding an extra bass driver…