The Listening Room Reality

Thomas, your efforts are deeply impressive, and an inspiration to us all! If I may, I’d like to ask further about your speaker choice; in particular, did you have a chance to audition Stenheim? You did mention the brand once, and of course it is Swiss. Jonathan Valin in the latest Absolute Sound raves about the Alumine 5, in particular when driven by the Soulution 711, your amplifier of choice.

I have heard the Alumine 5 driven by CH amps. It is a very dynamic speaker. I like the philosophy of their engineering- definitely would audition when I change speakers.

Thankyou for your kind and wise reply.
Apologies if I seemed disrespectful to your efforts on the rack build.
At your level it came as a shock and confusion, but hats off to you for thinking of doing some such.

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hi Thomas,
the most interesting thread I’ve read.

keep it coming!

q1 is it done?
q2 can we come over?

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I was thinking that, and I’m not even fuzzy, as long as the hash browns are cooked just right and the coffee is grounded to perfection :rofl: No pressure @Thomas :wink:. In sweet anticipation Peter

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I was at Glastonbury recently after a 29 year absence and beforehand was looking forward to hearing how speaker technology had improved. Undoubtably it had, however I was surprised at how poor the quality was compared to an average home hi-fi, way too much bass (and I like bass) , scrambled tremble and mid. I assume the main stages are set up with the best gear available.
I note from comments on this forum that some are seeking the “real concert” soundstage - I certainly don’t what that sound comping from my speakers !


Not sure if your point. Are you using this as an argument to treat or not to treat

Hello @TOBYJUG ,

No apology needed. I can hear your astonishment.

Especially since, from a distance, this type of rack looks cheap.

It’s a well-known design, trendy among the DIYers. But it can be taken to a level of quality that surpasses many racks on the market.

So no, you don’t have to apologize. Especially since you often show humour when you comment on some of my posts :grin:. This is all about fun, isn’t it! Being too serious about it isn’t healthy! :wink:

There are some forum members, not many, who are both rude and condescending. And who even believe they’re doing it cleverly ! The kind who wouldn’t tell you face to face what they write hidden behind their keyboard.

To this kind of member, I don’t even bother to answer.


Maybe you could hold a charity auction for your high spec DIY (aka better than most shop bought) rack on this forum.

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I didn’t say my rack was top of the range :laughing:, I said it was surprisingly good. Especially for the price. I also said that it could be made into a very good rack and that this kind of design is a great starting point.

As for selling it, no way. I’ve spent far too much time building it :sweat_smile:

But if you make the trip to pick it up, I’ll gladly give it to you :smiley:
Once the new rack is made, I won’t have any use for it.

As for holding a charity auction, this is relatively uncommon here. I would have to sell it on eBay for far less than its cost (money and labour).

I already give to charity. But that’ s a private topic.

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:grinning: I wasn’t hankering after your rack. I was only suggesting that the result of your expertise and 30 hours of blood, sweat and tears deserves a good home once you’ve finished with it.

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Just noted the additional last line added to your reply :+1:

It’s true, it pains me to take it apart.

But I don’t know who to give it to.

Ideally someone nice, and why not someone on the forum.


Today no climbing, so I took some time to check again how I can distribute the three phases of my electrical installation.

I realised that one of the three phases is used for air conditioning, and nothing elese.

If I disengage the air conditioning circuit breaker, I have an unused phase (L2), which I can use for whatever I want.

As the air conditioning is only used in summer and not often, I will use this phase for either the Taiko Extreme or the Soulution 711.

One more detail, which in the end makes a significant difference :nerd_face:

That’s how to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon! :sleepy: :joy:

Edit :
And cleaning my Camalots!


Perhaps invest in some tube equipment and may be able to disconnect the heater in winter :grinning:

Your ROOM is messing up your SOUND (again)


If you are allergic to technical explanations, often useless details, technical terms, etc.

This is THE video not to be missed.

This video and the very first one at the beginning of the thread are brilliant!

Simply, clearly explained. Accessible to all.

Your ROOM is messing up your SOUND (again) - YouTube


Hi Thomas!

Is your system now up and running? It would be great if you can comment on your experience with specifically the PSI AVAA and also generally with the whole system.

Best regards


Oh no, far from it :sweat_smile:

I put the construction on hold during the summer. I was a bit tired of it.

I still have to build 4 alcoves to accommodate the 4 AVAA C20 (which have not been delivered yet).

So far I’m, more or less, at this point:

Although my posts on this forum give the impression that I’m a hard-core audiophile, that’s not the case, at all ! :smiley:

I like to do things, not only HiFi, passionately, thoroughly and within my means limits.

This summer I climbed a lot, and still do. :person_climbing:
And spent time with my wife and my 5 years old daughter, who is on holiday.


I just got back from a week in Meribel.

We had 4 families with 11 children in one large chalet.

We took the kids climbing outdoors on a bolted route - the first one I’ve led in a few years (due to an injury).

Also e-biking, lake-swimming, mountain walking, etc.

Lots of sport every day, then home via Geneva.

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Great holidays! :smiley:
I hope the trip back to the UK wasn’t too tiring.