The Listening Room Reality

Five of us in a Clio - navigating the borderline road system around the airport - then home on a train without air con in the UK train strike.

We made it in one piece.

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Nowerdays the question isn’t where did you go on holiday its did you make it on holiday!

And did you make it back!

Good that you are not obsessed with audio and are spending time with your family and other interests. Must be frustrating though having those fantastic components waiting unused and not assembled into a first rate system in your first rate room.


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No, not at all :smiley:

It’s just really annoying to have clutter everywhere. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

As much as I enjoy having a nice system, it’s just a system. Not the music.

You’d be surprised how quickly one gets used to listening to music with a pair of AirPod Pros or mid-range Sennheiser headphones. :notes:

Rock is calling (well, more like my climbing partner), this afternoon I will be climbing! :man_climbing:

The AVAA C20 install can wait. :laughing:


Good for you​:+1::slightly_smiling_face:

As an aside I can say that I just got back from a vacation spent without much listening to music and thought my system sounded exceptionally well. Especially in the bass region. It turned out that the improvement was caused by having a window sited behind and between the speakers open. This seemed to work like a fluke bass trapp or AVAA unit. Another sign of the importance of the room and a reason I am again considering AVAAs.

Enjoy your climb.


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Indeed, an open window is like a Bass Trap of infinite efficiency (100% absorption capacity).

And I would say that it is even better than an AVAAC20 since an open window absorbs from 20Hz to 20kHz (the whole audible spectrum).

The AVAAC20 absorbs 100% from 15Hz to 150Hz (so the lower end of the spectrum only).

Thanks! :smiley:


Unfortunatly I can’t keep the window open during winter.


OK. I could use a little community assistance. I have just run the REW software measurements on my listening room using a calibrated MiniDSP UMIK-1.

Here are the graphs:

Here is a 1/6 smoothed SPL graph:

I am no audio engineer, but it seems that I have outlying frequencies to address. Particularly at 38 Hz and around 83 Hz. Perhaps a GIK Acoutics targeted bass trap? They have one (Scopus T40) that actually targets the range from about 40-80 Hz. Any thoughts?

Also, is that huge rolloff after 10,500 Hz anything to worry about?

Incidentally, 38 Hz is E-flat. That could explain why, when I put on Wagner’s Das Rheingold for the first time in my listening room, the opening pedal tone seemed to rattle the walls, way beyond simple sound coming from the speakers. Apparently my listening room is tuned to Wagner’s Ring!

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The four PSI AVAA C20 have finally arrived. :partying_face:

I had another friendly chat with a PSI engineer. As he lives not far from me, he brought them.

I have no choice but to get back to work and finish the listening room! :sweat_smile:


We’re all rooting for you! Put pizza on the menu and I’ll come and labour for you for a few days to see it done :wink:


:rofl: :+1: :+1:

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Hi @Thomas, any news and are you ok? ATB Peter

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Hi Thomas any update on your new listening room hope things are going ok for you.

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After a pleasant chat on the phone recently with a fellow Forum member discussing our individual rooms and speaker manufacturers’ claims (:thinking:), I finally managed to find absorption coefficients for various building materials but also drapes, furniture and even people in a room. Thought it interesting and hence kick started this good old chestnut :sweat_smile: ATB Peter


PS. Finding Thomas’ absence at best intriguing :face_with_head_bandage: but sincerely hope he’s ok.


So if you want to damp your listening room, best fill it with adults rather than Elementary students.


Funny you should mention it, I was having a giggle over the lardies vs assuming skinny undernourished students too :relaxed: Best Peter


Youngsters would be cheaper but the parents would want them returned at some point.

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Yes a bit odd about Thomas, hope he has not had a fall. The charts are interesting, thanks


Also avoid installing an ice rink