The Naim and Harbeth thread

It is a cliche, but I would strongly recommend a home audition for Harbeths, and doubt if you would find any difficulty in getting an authorised dealer to help.
Already having P3s, I was expecting to buy, and had budgeted for the 30.1 monitors.
However, with my NAP300, in my room, the much cheaper Compact 7s were far more suitable. Still enjoying them.

If you have the money, I think it is difficult to avoid thinking that more expensive items in the range must be better. But with speakers, it is all about the room (and personal taste).


Hello Marka,

always happy about your change of Harbeth by B&W?

Hi Crifo,

I really am. The 805 D3s work better for more of the music I listen to, in the room they are in and I find that the 250DR drives them really well - more muscular - more punch. Some acoustic stuff is clearly not as good as the Harbeths, which had a warmer more natural feel to them, especially when playing acoustic guitar stuff… but otherwise I’m personally very happy with the 805 D3 Prestige on their specific B&W Stands.

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This thread was closed almost 3 years ago. During the last year, I myself bought some Harbeth speakers. I now have the C7es3-XD. I have owned Totem Tribe Towers, Sonus Faber Venere 2.0 and various Paradigm speakers. My current Harbeths are by far my favorites, and are an end game speaker for me.
I power them with a SN2 with Hicap DR. Source is an NDX2 with XPS-DR.

I am curious if there are any other Harbeth users among Naim owners? Any recent converts? :smiley:


Here are a few pictures of my Harbeth C7 XD.


Nice, the Tamo Ash is a beautiful finish. Did you compare the M30.2 before settling on the C7’s?

Thank you. No, I did not compare. The M30.2 was a little over my budget.

I would love to hear those in your system, Daniel. Very nice.

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Here are my Anniversary Edition, picture taken in 2020. Since then I have replaced two split cones and added the Harbeth badges….oh, and a rug to help with acoustics.


Thank you JOF.

Nice setup!


I have some Vienna Acoustic BB’s with my nova. And I want a clearer and more detailed sound, less dull. Harbeth was recommended to me by several, I have to try them I guess

I have 30.2 and really like them. Looking to upgrade to arc scam 40s though as I find they have more punch and the kids are even better than the harbeths

Edit: Just read my post back… Shocking! Let me try again…

I have 30.2 and really like them. Looking to upgrade to arc scm 40s though as I find they have more punch and the mids are even better than the harbeths. (through 282/2450)

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I have the Compact 7 30th Anniversary edition with a SN2 + Hicap DR. Source is the CDX2.2 with 555PS DR. Been enjoying the Harbeths for a long time. I’ve been tempted to change speakers just because, but always happy with my setup when I return from a demo. Naim and Harbeth is a great match.


Agreed. The Naim is the only reason I haven’t sold the Harbeth, in my case SHL5+. Tried 7 to 8 amp combinations and the Harbeth still sounds best with the Naim to my ears.


I guess you could always demo an XD version to see if the upgrade is sufficient to sell on your anniversaries?

I have not heard the XD range yet, but I am intrigued to compare. All the reviews paint a stellar picture.

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I fell in love with the M40.3 XD, but chose the SHL5plus XD because it fits my room size well: very happy with the pairing to my Nap 250DR (I’m waiting for the 300DR which will give me the best, IMHO).