The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Would the NPX300 be able to power a SN3?

I love these system internal images. It’s art.

Trying to imagine what goes into not only knowing what you want to achieve but sourcing the right components for it and coming to a design to put them all together in an optimal way. Love it.


A legitimate concern here as the SNAXO has difficulty driving SNAICs without potential instability, hence why active leads are recommended in their place when using the smaller power amps in an active Naim system.



No, the NPX300 cannot be used to power the existing analogue pre-amps or phono stages such as the Stageline, Prefix and Superline.


Hi nDAC users,

I’m sorry the NPX 300 will not power the nDAC.

This is due to the PCM1704 DAC chip requiring +/-10V and there’s only a +10V.


Presumably the same is true for the NDS Steve (and the ND555, but I’d already assumed it would be the case).


As that news is contrary to earlier indications, that’s really positive feedback.
Great to get that definitive answer. Thanks.
Now we all know.

Thank you
As always, your thoughtful contribution is much appreciated.


Edit : nDAC PSU option is XPS or 555PS (DR or not) then.
Being positive, whilst XPS might end soon, the 555PS looks set to continue for a while yet.

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Hi sound-hound,

The manuals have a page to show what is included in the box:

NSC 222

NAP 250

NPX 300


Thanks for looking into this and confirming Steve.


This may have already been asked but does the 222 convert an analog signal to digital before converting it back as per the Uniti products.


Pretty sure it remains analogue from a turntable.


It has been said earlier that the analogue inputs are analogue all the way.


Thanks guys you saved me scrolling through all the posts above.

Is the NSC222 “basically” an integration of:

  • NP800 modular streaming board
  • 500 series concept, pre amp/headphone pre amplifier stage (that also begat the Atom HE)
  • ND5 XS2 (plus) DAC implementation
  • XS3/SN3 MM stage
  • Statement derived volume implementation

All of which seem potentially capable of being improved upon/optimised depending on their electronic and physical environment/context, and used in different combinations going forward.

If they’re all pretty much designed at least partially to be “pluggable” or “reusable” (if you’re Naim) then I’m not surprised it took so long to realise a streaming pre-amp in that case. But also, it is pretty exciting given we know there’s more to come.

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Your question about converting analogue inputs to digital has got me wondering if the uniti ranges ability to share analogue inputs to multi-room will be possible with the 222. Does anyone know if this will be possible?

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Presumably not, as they remain analogue and Multiroom needs them to be digital.

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@davidhendon is right. This has been answered by Naim staff already further up.

Thanks, I must have missed it, I will go and see if I can find the answer.

Hi @110dB

Thank you so much Steve for all the detail you have been giving about the new exciting lineup.

A subject that often comes up on here is humming issues from the toroidal transformer. These issues are often as a result of DC Offset (caused by various household appliances), or mains over voltage, or just differences between two identical boxes.

The fact that the new toroidal transformer is powered off when not in use goes a great way to addressing this.

In addition, is there anything that you have been able to do to address some of these issues? E.g. any additional filtering added to reduce DC Offset that doesn’t affect SQ, or improved transformer mounts?

A final question if I may, does the New Classic still create that very low level hiss through the speakers when not in use, or does that also go with the new power arrangement?