The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Might get lucky and they do a 50 Series.

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There is a cheaper entry alreadyā€¦ atom HE into new 250 will probably sound pretty good. I have it hooked up to my atc 40a at the moment and it is not embarrassing itself


My thoughts exactly. Iā€™m sure the new products will be on demo at the Bristol hifi show. Iā€™ll be asking the staff that very question.

There have been amazing deals on classic kit for the last 9 months.

Now is a very good time to pick up kit which, last week, was the pinnacle of many peopleā€™s ambitions. It hasnā€™t gone bad overnight.

For those of us with old classic kit at aspirational level itā€™s time to sit back, enjoy the music for 24 months and see how this plays out.

Having said that a 352 or pair of new classic 300 might tempt us to splurge before that window expires.


How very well expressed. I thoroughly agree, with this sentiment.

I shall sit back - and see if anything interesting gets shaken from the treeā€¦

Bravo - @IainO - !!


Iā€™d have thought, the as yet not officially announced, separate pre-amp new classic either 200 or 300 series wouldā€˜ve been the potential replacement of your 282 :man_shrugging:.

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There is definitely stuff coming which would tempt us. NVC would have been tempting but the 8 pin DIN means a power supply and our 252 can already do a Superline.

So the limit of ambition, naim wise, this year is a Superline before it is discontinued and then feet up.

The whole point of our journey from 272/XPSDR/250DR in the mid/latter part of 2022 was so that we COULD sit happily with an aspirational level old classic system which we once thought unobtainable.

Splitting every single box into function/PSU means we can now slot in 3xx updates quite easily should we wish in future.


That is sort of what i meant, maybe naim are looking at upping the SQ of the unity range and introduce an amp below the 250 say 90/140 level and then is there any need for a supernait? Mindy you, there is always room for a CB nait 2 reissuešŸ¤ž

Indeed, but there is something to be said for getting rid of all the cables and tweaks that become a bit obsessive (for me at least). I love trying out new things and tweaking but in some ways like the idea of just adding the 222 and ps to my solstice and focussing on the music for a bit


I agree, whilst difficult to come to terms with sometimes less can be more.
Best wishes on the hifi merry go round.

Whoever came up with the box design needs some help!
I saw somewhere the internals of the 222 - nothing in them. Which leads me onto the cost. Design and development not withstanding value wise these are poor.
Given these are all Ā£5700 each yet development, parts cost and other costs will all be different of the 222, 250 & 300 this just shows that Naim have effectively just said ā€˜this is what we will chargeā€™ regardless.

Whatever picture you saw it was not 222 then. Itā€™s full.


Ā£11400 just to get started with a system!
just think what a system you could get for that with high end manufacturers.

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Care to give some examples?

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So presumably you have listened and compared them to a similar priced system to come to that conclusion or are you coming up with an uninformed conclusion based on seeing a picture of the internals?

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If youā€™re talking top drawer kit you could probably pay that for a single mains power cord :partying_face::joy:

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What are you on about? Are you a troll? If Naim isnā€™t a high end manufacturer, who is?

Stop feeding the troll.


You read too much into my comment where I missed out the word ā€œotherā€

Upgrade to the Nait 5 then, it has one :slight_smile: