The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

An Auralic Altair 2.1 is £5300. But you can’t improve with an external PSU.

People with 5k+ to spend on a streaming preamp will make their choices.

What is it about new classic you’re not finding price comparable?

Hardly naim’s entry level. I see you’ve an Atom. Excellent bit of kit.

Ah, yes I did. The word “other” really would have made a difference.

I agree that the pricing is very high, at least here in NZ. You can buy a new Nova for NZ$10K, the 222/250 is $30K. Previously, a one step up the range would be about double the cost, but now you are looking at three times the cost.


Well to use my comparison of UK pricing Auralic Altair 2.1 would appear to be NZ$10k. (first two hits online)

Question for naim if theres a big exchange rate hike I guess.

Nova seems to range from NZ$9.9 - NZ$11.2 (I know which dealer I’d be cultivating a relationship with)

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In the USA you can get PS Audio Directwave series separates for roughly 85% of the new Naim trio asking price.

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You don’t need to cancel the order. It will be a great system and they haven’t announced a new 500 system. Can you negotiate a greater discount?

The enthusiasm for the new range is really infectious, looking out long term for me though, I doubt I’ll ever get to a new classic 500 set up (when it comes) - I might, given some decent bargains / ex demo deals coming to market, hope to get to a Classic classic 500 set up though. Hmm stick or twist.

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I wouldn’t try. What I’ve been offered already exceeds my wildest expectations.

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As a Dynaudio owner who went from SN2-250dr-300dr I would recommend the new 250.


Thst’s fantasric. I don’t think the new 500 system will come out for quite a few years and what you have is the best around apart from Statement. Enjoy your new 500DR.

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Just to throw the cat in amongst the proverbial and following my earlier expression of hope for this being the start of something. My challenge to Naim is to replace my 9 boxes ( including streaming and phono) with a 500 sq based three box system. PSU, streamer/pre with options for phono cards, and power amp.

I wondered if you can use the new NPX 300 with the ndac.

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As far as I can tell, it should be possible.


I have actually tried a Nait 5 and its a fine little amp…


I suppose they could use cut-down Statement style boxes to achieve this, maybe get it down to 2 boxes? Having one box for the streamer pre and power supply and one for a stereo power amp and power supply.

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Would it be something someone would pay 100-150k for though?

75k ish I probably would.

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I also have Nova and 250DR and ask me, what the improvement will be like if I only exchange the Nova to the NSC222

Seeing how the 200 series components cost $US 9000 a piece, one would certainly hope not. An while it’s possible that the Mu-So and Uniti products will wind up being the entry level components, I do think there’s room for an entry level series of (mostly) separates below the 200 series.

I could see the product line shaking out as follows:

100 Series (either half-width or half-height cases)
200 Series (New Classic Series)
300 Series (New Classic Series)
500 Series
Statement Series


In fact, a lot going on there…

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