The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

My goodness this forum is becoming a bit like the proverbial scratched record :sweat_smile:

Is it similar to the volume on the 272?

No, different

I can’t recall the tech details but it seems the same and I like both.

The 272 volume control is excellent.

I seem to remember that it was a trickle down technology from statement.


In that case there was some serious trickle up technology going on, because the volume control on the 272 is the same one they used in the Superuniti!

The volume on the 272 was a joy to use and going to a 252 was an unpleasant shock.


Yes, it’s much nicer to use that the Alps pots. I wasn’t criticising it, but the marketing department perhaps got a bit carried away.

I thought that the volume control on the 332 had a very nice touch / feel.

I believe that the number 4 is considered unlucky in some Oriental countries such as China and Japan.

The volume control on the Nait 50 has a nice ‘feel’ to it, so you don’t have to go spending all that money!


With you on that one Graham :+1:

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From Naim’s website:

“Hybrid Volume Control

The 272 volume control is derived from the design of the flagship Statement NAC S1 control. It offers smooth operation and perfect level match­ing”

Is it mere Meerkatting, or is the digitally-controlled analogue volume control on the 272 inspired by the Statement volume control?

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Says the guy with a couple of systems. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Ha ha / maybe downsize time emerging :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It would be interesting to know how many Naim users ever actually downsize, rather than just mention it from time to time.

I confess that I have quite a few ‘black boxes’, but they’re all necessary to make the system work.

Same here Graham I have many boxes over 2 locations

But eventually the time will come to have a “clean out”

I have a plan

If only to keep my sanity :crazy_face:

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I find that all my Naim ‘black boxes’ help preserve my sanity - such as it is!

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From my cold, dead hands. :grin:

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That’s about the level of it, although I believe that Ian 2001 has done this recently.

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