The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Used units in UK, been available for some time now.

Despite rave reviews perhaps NC units are not shifting as quickly as some would hope. Indicative of the general UK economic situation perhaps.

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Yes that what I have found in my set-up. My experience I’m sure is different from others as I have had all the equipment at home 3months plus.

I find the NC’s warmer than the OC and more organic with more color and texture. They are also much faster and boogie better. They do take 5-6 weeks to tfill in and come together.

I was worried the 332/300 was getting too spacey after a week or so but then it filled in nicely.

This is also with a near Klimax LP12 and not a Naim Streamer.


That’s the exact thing I found missing in the OC. Warmth, depth, texture, reality of live music. I have that now with the NC, a conveyance of the music as it was intended to be heard. Instruments sound correct and in the position where they are played. It all just sounds more real. I observe that most of the criticisms of the NC are from poorly set up “demos” on equipment that is not burned in, not in ideal listening environment, and not from ownership in their own listening rooms on well settled equipment.


Hm what OC system did you have and connected to which speakers? That is so far away from my experience that it sounds more like your toilet speaker review :wink:

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I’ve been through this already. You’re clearly heavily invested in the OC so I don’t blame you.

Now, how many of those NC boxes have we got left…….


If discounting is an indication I’d say they’re sitting on a lot of OC stock.

I bet the new stuff is selling quite well, its Naims first revamp in 20 years so should be.

People who didnt like having to set the old stuff up right even going back to olive and CB days seem to like it. dont forget its a new designer which is why it sounds different.

i bet its not around in 20 years though, the old classic stuff has such a massive following and theres nothing new for us now

in a way all us old classic guys have mini 500 series and the new classic stuff is new classic

That kind of sounds like I would describe the difference between my Naim amplifiers 82/250DR compared to Goldnote. However there is a clear difference between the midrange of the Naim and the Goldnote. Reason I write this is to ask if you have noticed a difference in the midrange between NC and OC in that it’s not pronanced or forward, maybe stronger in OC than NC. I really like and prefer the way Naim “highlights” the midrange and therefore put them above the Goldnote amplifiers in that regard but the Goldnotes have more warmth, sense of room, tonality and are cleaner. So would you say the midrange is less pronounced on The NC than the OC? Thanks!


Well, it’s also about careful matching I suppose. The dealer I visit often has a great demo room, almost like a small theatre where he demonstrates the NC with Kudos, Spendors and KEF Blade. Maybe not my taste of loudspeakers as I mostly prefer my own setup with Dynaudio loudspeakers. Could well be that a 222 matches very well and could replace our Atom HE. Maybe sometime we’ll give it a try…

I appreciate our clients support and in the spirit of our relationships our clients who own CB, Olive, OC, Uniti that are looking to move on to New Classic 200 Series and New Classic 300 Series have been and will be looked after accordingly.

As I’ve said before I am unable to comment on 500 Series as we don’t stock this range.

As in my previous post I’ve found the NAC 332 under its own steam is superior to the NAC 252. The NPX 300 makes a considerable and therefore worthwhile difference to the performance of the NAC 332.

As I’ve said from the off in February I’ve found the New Classic NAP 250 is superior to the NAP 300 DR be it with gaming, movies or music. With all things being equal, monaural NAP 350’s are considerably better than the already superb New Classic NAP 250. Therefore there is a greater leap in performance between monaural NAP 350’s and the NAP 300 DR then there is between the New Classic NAP 250 and NAP 300 DR. In my experience and despite the price difference monaural NAP 350’s offer even better VFM.


sounds like all much of a muchness going off what your saying. everything is better than 252 and nap300 level.

If the 332 alone is better than my 252 then I am happy although skeptical. Naim would only release new gear that built on and improved on the old. It is in their DNA. I need them to remain in business so that my next round of servicing can be completed. I will be 82 at that point though…. :rofl:


My experience is mostly with Ovators but also with Kef 104.2 and Wilson Sabrinas. All sound great with Naim.

I asked the dealer to put the same brand speakers I have and I was used to hear at his place.
My dealer said me later that he finds the new line much better working with Focal than with the OC. I have quickly heard the 200 series with Focal but was not involved after 10 mn.
I made a long listening session for the full 300 series with my speakers. Very good of course, but absolutely not the same league as full 500 series.

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Assuming that we have the same Arnhem dealer, when I go to one of his open days, I usually find myself alone upstairs with the smaller system. I visited the Kef Blades demo, the active Kudos titan 808’s, but I preferred the smaller system.

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How long have you been a Naim dealer ?

The direction of the thread makes me wonder how many NC 200 series owners have upgraded to NDX2/282/HCDR/250DR or NC 300 to NDX2/XPSDR/252/SCDR/300DR. Anyone? The forum has great experience and knowledge to help others but given how electronics interact with speakers and room the decision on kit will always be subjective and personal (I hear you - no sh1t Sherlock!). 110dB and team, for me, have done a great job with NC range so thanks but as someone said you can’t please all of the people all the time. Health, wealth and happiness to all.


Upgraded seems a controversial choice of wording given the last day or so’s posts. I’d suggest moved, or reverted perhaps.

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