The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

I totally agree with you :+1:

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252ā€™s are rare where I am too so adding/trying a 332/NPX was easy as my dealer made me an offer I couldnā€™t refuse.

The 332 sounds like a perfect match with your ATCā€™s.

The nDAC is special especially with a PS. Iā€™d still have mine but the box count got to be too much as my LP12/Radikak/Aura already take up too many shelves.

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@Bevo @Pete_the_painter thatā€™s a great idea. A NAT01/NAT2 would match great with the Nait50.

Plus, the new Nait is based off the new 250

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I thought the 332 brought more in terms of bass and imaging. On some tracks the bass can actually be a little much and Iā€™m wondering if the NPX would clean this up, but overall I prefer the 332ā€™s presentation on the low-end. Put me in the camp of those thinking the NC has a warmer sound than the OC. I have a difficult room (open floor plan, speakers firing across at one end) so imaging will never be ideal, but the 332 made the speakers ā€˜disappearā€™ a little more. The only differences in the system for my listening test was the cabling to the speakers, Chord Shawline SNAIC/XLR from the HC to the ATCs and Chord Clearway XLRs from the 332 to the ATCs. All the usual caveats apply - my ears, system, canine placement, weather, alcohol consumption, etc. Your mileage may vary.


How long have you had it? Iā€™d let it settle 4-5 weeks and then play with speaker placement

Thank you for the detail. I have heard the 332 with a 250 on several occasions but not back to back with a 282/HC. As always, a bit more nuanced than A is better than Bā€¦

If I remember correctly from a post in the ā€˜listening experienceā€™ thread, it was your 252 that I was hoping to add into my listening test, but the dealer in Seattle sent it out to get serviced I and decided to just go with the 332 once I heard it.

Just a few weeks, so things are still settling. Was letting it go into ā€˜stand-byā€™ too, but decided to just leave it powered up for a few weeks at least. I remember a discussion on this somewhere buried in a thread and need to re-read it as I think this makes a difference, but canā€™t remember.

I thought it was based on the Statement. :grin:

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Didnā€™t think the new 250 was only 25 WPC. :thinking: :partying_face:

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Donā€™t forget that active speakers like ATC will sound better with XLR cables, as they carry better long interconnects. At least I believe itā€™s true because have read it several times here.
So not surprising that even a 332 bare sounds better vs 252/supercap.
If I wrote something wrong, please, tekies, correct me :grin:

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Especially for you nicnaim

NAT01/NAPST goes well with the NAIT 50



Weird. The one I had was just serviced before I bought it


In 20 years time most of us old classic guys will be dead or deaf. :grin:


Iā€™m half way there already :crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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You are having a wine cellar I hope?

That might fry your local councilā€™s brains a bit


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I was under the impression that anything appearing on YouTube is either there to make visualizations = money, or to promote silly, dangerous or stone-age ideas.

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What did you say?

And , unlike the Naim kit, not able to be sent back to the manufacturer for a service and returned as good as new.