The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Well done Naim, these all look like decent units that move Naim’s outdated amplifier range forward.

For slow learners though (@Richard.Dane, @110dB ) I’d appreciate it if you could clarify:

Are all the classic range now discontinued ?
Namely 282 and 252 being fully replaced by 222 and 332?

Are the ND5x2 and NDX2 now discontinued and replaced by the 222 and 333?

Sorry if I’m being thick but the website is far from clear in relation to what is current and gone.


I was going to ask exactly the same questions, unless I am missing something there is no indication either way on the Naim website?


The Gold Coast one of my least favourite places in Australia.

Play roulette and stick with red or black and odds or evens. That’s coming from someone who hates gambling. :grin:


I agree. The 1792A is a bit better than the 1791A. Better dynamic range. Lower distortion. Just look at the data sheets. Not buying the reason is “that it sounds better”. Probably real reason was it was cheaper.

Then somebody will chime in “it’s not the chip. It’s the circuitry around it.” I can see them rushing to their keyboards to type it in. :joy:


This was explained multiple times not sure why people continue to misrepresent the use of the chip.

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So in terms of order of the new, the current & the past is something like this suitable?

ND555/555DR/555DR (1704U-K)
ND555/555DR (1704U-K)
NDS/555DR/555DR (1704U-K)
NDS/555DR (1704U-K)
NS333/NP300 (1791A)
NDX2/XPS2DR (1792A)
NSS333 (1791A)
NDX2 (1792A)
NSC222/XP300 (1791A)
NSC222 (1791A)
NDX/XPS2DR (1792A)
NAC-N 272/XPS2DR (1792A)
NDX (1791A)
ND5XS/XP5XS (1791A)
NAC-N 272 (1792A)
ND5XS2 (1791A)
ND5XS (1791A)
NAC-N 172XS (1791A)

There are obviously more combinations, NDX/555DR, ND5XS/XPS2DR etc and then the two DACs - nDAC (1704U-K) and V-DAC (1791A)


How much cheaper is the chip?


For the same reason you shouldn’t believe everything any manufacturer tells you. Their intention is to take your money and your responsibility should be to keep as much as possible. It’s a conflict of interest at the very least.

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Well good news, no one is forcing you buy anything here.


According to Mouser, single chip pricing

PCM1791ADB $7.51

PCM1792ADB $20.85

Volume pricing is probably more dramatic

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Do you really think that naim would use an inferior chip in a product costing £9,000 to save a tenner?



No sign of Australian prices or even a press release. I guess the distributor slept in.


If your theory were put in place on this forum then no one could discuss anything unless they purchase the product. Remember, nothing I’m stating is subjective. Essentially, be quiet unless you’re going to buy it is your theory.

By the way, my current Naim streamer is well above this product. Do the math. This unit would be a severe downgrade. If I were in the market in this price range I still wouldn’t be buying it.

You haven’t been censored and you’re not a victim, you’ve made your opinion clear. Like I said, no one is forcing you to buy anything.


Engineers aren’t in charge in most companies. Management and bean counters are.

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Probably summoning the courage to publish the highest prices outside Moscow or Monaco. Maybe they have a no-bad-news on Fridays’ policy :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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congratulations to all at Naim for these new products.

My existing kit does the job just fine for me at the moment (202/200DR and 282/HCDR/250DR) so I am very much enjoying music at the moment and also movies (I use my 202/200DR for movies and it does a fantastic daily job)

My question is, does the new kit sound better than the old kit, and how much better. Is the new Preamp at which level, 282 or 252? The new mono blocs are very exciting products and can finally address a market demand.

I wish Naim the best, one of the very best and finest hi-fi companies on the planet who understand what it really takes to bring music to life at home.


@Smoothfidelity … I see you are new to the forum and only posting negative comments in only this topic. You’ve made your point now - as you see, people here a Naim lovers, stop this negativity please.


As a Naim lover who will at some point migrate to New Classic if not New 500, I accept @Smoothfidelity 's position and recognize that his word is worth facing.


I’d point out, based on what’s been said before, that taking a dim view based on the control of “bean counters” is a bit naiive. Most companies are run by their bean counters to a large degree. What the engineering department do with the budget they’ve been given is where the magic happens.

Unless the criticism is that it looks like the engineering dep were underfunded for this product rollout, then I don’t see any obvious reason to pick at what is surely a well executed evolution.

If Naim wanted to be cheap, they could have just decided to do no range. After all, the R&D for the old classics is sunk cost now. And no changes to production steps are needed. But they didn’t. They pressed forward with new and invested. That’s the opposite of being cheap.

… would love to see a silver option though.

@110dB Have Naim considered following the trend of providing light and dark versions? People’s decor tends to lend itself to one or the other. It seems like low hanging fruit for reducing sales friction to me.