The Nait3 sounds like…

Thanks for posting that. I did not realise the difference was that large, but the interior shots are quite telling!

A CD3.5 into Nait 3R to Royd Doublets served me well for decades. Not sure if I should have sold the 3R. Just fond memories now. It was a big upgrade on an Arcam 5 and was replaced with a 202/200. The 200 was a notable step up. Jury is out on the 202 though, which was probably better, but it didn’t stay for long.

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oh dear, sorry to hear that Richard.
Is this the case of poor packing?

Interesting they did not even include Qute. ( remember this? )
Looks like Naim hit the bullseye with Nait 50 this time. Qute was somewhat of a disappointment.

They sound so different with different strengths.

The packaging of the 3 series was always a bit problematic. In this case it succumbed to the sheer brutality of the courier. Judging by the state of the box, I think it got run over by something.


Mr DHL delivers exceedingly bad Naits


Many thanks to all contributors, especially @kuma for the pictures and @MaxBertola for the Naimology…
The last time I checked my local dealer had all three current Naits in stock. If this is still the case, I should take a few hours time and pay him a visit.


My Nait 3 was split by my dealer when I bought sn/h, used with Flatcap2 along side a CD5. Still have Nait 3 & Flatcap 2 but replaced with Nait xs2.

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Not sure how you can compare the merits of a Nait 3 at a value of a few hundred pounds to a new Nait 50 at £?? I’ve not even looked.
The Nait 3 is a very musical thing and a current bargain paired with reasonably efficient speakers.

All four amplifiers share the same features (relevant to me) and are in the price range I’m willing to spend. I can borrow the new ones for a home demo, unless my dealer has sold his 50s, but not the 3R.

I would 2nd going for separates, 72 HiCap 140, 180,or 250 would be a classic combo and outperform Nait 3 by a country mile. All these items are available in the used market and represent superb value for money and are fully serviceable. Tom Tom Audio would be a great place to start.


@Mulberry my comments were in no way meant to sound disrespectful. I’m a previous Nait 3 owner and it’s a lovely amp. I’ve not heard the Nait 50 so cannot comment, hopefully you’ll find the right combo :+1:

My Nait3 was bought new in 1996 and converted to a NAC92 when I bought a NAP140. Still in use in the dining room/kitchen. Sounded good new but the 140 is a great little amp.

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No problem at all. I understand that my question can seem odd. It’s just that I’ve owned and borrowed quite a few amplifiers over the past few years. Every single one was good and had meaningful strengths. None ticked all boxes sonically, though. Perhaps because of the number of amplifiers and phono stages and digital sources I have had in my room, I’d like to spend tu coming years with as few as possible.

Count me in with the admirers of the Nait 3/3R. I still have my Nait 3R (split), which says a lot. As much as I love my Nait 2, I seem to be no less pleased when listening to the 3R.

The one that I wish I had kept was a Nait 5i. If can do without a phono stage, I’d say it is quite underrated. I like it more than the XS2 I owned.


I have always been a little puzzled by all the interest and praise heaped on the various historical Naits these days. They seem to be regarded as some kind of world-beating super amps.

Yet back in the 80’s when the early Naits were in production they were regarded very much as being the ‘poor relations’ in the range. One only bought a Nait if one could not afford a 42/110 or better. Certainly in a dem at my dealers back then I directly compared a Nait 1 and a 42/110 driving Kans. No contest - the 42/110 easily walked all over the Nait 1 in every possible way.

Nowadays Nait 1’s can sell for silly money. They seem to have acquired a sort of legendary status.

So I have to ask - what gives here? Why all the praise and interest in what was once regarded as nothing more than the first step on the ladder to owning Naim amplification?

Or is it that we were all deaf back then? That these Naits really had some magical ingredient that was lost in the pre/powers and for some reason we were all oblivious to it?

It’s a curious and fascinating thing.


It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes - no one wants to appear out of step with the ‘received wisdom’ that the Naits have a ‘musicality’ lacking in the more sophisticated units.

Probably reflects a hankering after simple, efficient, affordable units and a large dollop of rose-tinted spectacles. One’s first love and all that…


Sounds rather more than a ‘bit of an accident’ to me?