The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

What cartridge are you using, and is the Nait 50 coping?

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It is a very simple AT-VM95E. The vinyl job for this system was to test 2nd hand LPs to check that they made the cut for the LP12. Now that we have the NAIT 50 we have been using vinyl more. The system sounds great - it really is a fantastic phono stage - and I’m sure I’ll be looking at upgrading the stylus soon.


Those little AT carts punch well above their weight. :+1:t2:


I think that’s the most musical of the VM95s for some reason. I’ve owned multiples of them all.

The ML is mega in terms of IGD and if you need cleaner sound then just go straight to that as it’s still enjoyable.


If you like Audio Technica carts, keep an eye out for the 760SLC, which is due here soon. Peter Swain (Cymbiosis) is getting one for me to use with the MM input of my newly acquired Nait 50.


The cart has been around since 2017.
But it’s the new body modifications that will be released.
Three point mount for Linn or ARO. :+1:t2:

I really can’t be bothered to get into a debate, but an existing cartridge which is then modified and released in a new body is a new cartridge - to my way of thinking, at least.

Wrong and it makes the dealer look as if he’s lying.
You say new and it’s not so it looks like you’re being deceived when not.
You say the dealer has told you it’s a new cart when it’s not so makes him look incompetent.
I’m only supporting the dealers reputation.
It’s an existing cart with a different modified body from someone else.

It is a must in my ears - very good!

FULLY agree!

I agree, with a new body, functionally it’s a new cartridge. A perfect example is the original Denon DL-103 vs. the Zu Audio-modified DL-103 with its much heavier aluminum alloy body. I have owned both, and they sound quite different, and interface differently with tonearms due to the increased weight.

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Connected up my Linn Karik CD player tonight the Nait50 continues to put a huge grin on my face, I am hearing little details I’ve never heard before. Usually I feel the soundstage is confined within the speakers, with the Nait the soundstage is wide and vocals are locked dead centre ( I normally find myself fidgeting about trying to get in the sweet spot) . Still yet to try the LP12 as I have a moving coil cartridge suspect I will be in for a treat.


Are you looking for an MM cartridge for the Nait 50?

You will be in fir a treat with a MC cartridge Scramble , I can assure you of that

Except that the Nait50 input is MM.

Unless it’s a high output MC…or using a SUT…?


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I’m sure Scramble is aware of that and will need to have a SUT

I’m running my ARO TT Kandid Cartridge with Superline/supercapDR/Armageddon though the Nait 50

Sounds wonderful


Hi, I’ve got a Stageline just need to connect it up to my Hicap DR to give it a try normally run it off a 282

Good one Scramble - enjoy