The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Have you changed your system completely from that listed in your Profile, BS? I was expecting to see something similar to my own (NAC52, NAP135s, etc), but what’s shown in your photo is very different. Is that a ‘second system’ perhaps?

Hi Graham, yes that’s the small bedroom where I keep the vinyl etc. P6, Rogue Audio Shinx, Kralk BC’s.
Main system is still LP12, 52, Scap, 135’s, SBL II

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I don’t get it :grin:

We have pretty similar systems, Blackstar, other than the loudspeakers.

I’m in the process of putting together my own ‘bedroom’ system. I have a Nait 50 on order with Audio T, and James at TomTom Audio has a CB NAT-01 on his books for me. I would have been happy with a (CB) NAT-02, but James tells me that they are the audio equivalent of hen’s teeth!

Best wishes.

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What is the proper designation of the soon-to-be-released new NAIT?

I thought that it was NAIT 50R, but I see that most abbreviate this to just NAIT 50


:+1: mine’s ordered through the Sound Org.


Thank you, Richard - I must have made up the 50R designation.

The only time I recall Naim using an R designation was for the Nait3R and NAC 92R, where it indicated the later versions that included a remote. So not applicable to a Nait 50!

Thanks, Chris.

Brain fade, I fear. My Oxford education is deserting me!

Interesting. You have three pairs stacked? My Nait 2 easily handles both my original and Quad 63.

Two stacked pairs, left and right, each powered by one Olive NAP135 per channel, plus one pair bolted (upside down) to the ceiling, behind the listening position, using Naim’s AV-1 rear sound processor and (one) Olive NAP250. (An attempt by me to mimic an ‘ideal’ shoebox-shaped concert hall.)

I posted some photos of the set-up to this Forum a few weeks ago.

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Got a link or idea which thread, Graham? I remember seeing the amps on that snazzy shelving you have, but don’t remember seeing the ESL’s - I’d love to see the pair bolted to the ceiling!

Wow! I’ll have to have a look at the photos.

Here you go, I think!


I bet that sounds lovely !?

Thanks too, @gthack

Possible to get a photo of the ceiling ESL fruitbat pair? I’m curious how they ‘hang’, cant picture it in my ( admittedly limited) imagination!

PS Nice Velvets third! Hadnt noticed that before.

PPS - sorry for the thread drift, folks.

Good lord, I have one just like that!!

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The vey helpful young lady who took the photo (and loaded it up) didn’t photograph that for me.

I’ll see what can be done, but no promises.

(They are screwed, upside down, onto a pair of aluminium strips, which are in turn screwed into the ceiling.)

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Thanks Graham.

So… they hang down into the room then?
With their stand feet fastened to the strips…Fruitbat indeed, lol.

Knowing nothing of Quads, do they need space behind them or is the arrangement flat to a wall?

Sorry all, no more thread drift after this!