The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

That is what I said. My Moon amp is in broadly the same territory as a SN3 with regards to general overall ability. I didn’t say it sounded the same! I thought my post made this very clear indeed.

You could check out the skyfi audio YouTube site for some information and advice.

Not sure if @IB has actually tried them - I think not from his posts but I could be wrong of course. The high sensitivity and potential noise issue is something I’ve already referred to. I was thinking more in terms of how the Klipsch’s would sound with Naim amps.

The reason I chose a Moon amp is because of the noise issue but also because from my long experience of Naim I didn’t think the match would be a good one. I could of course be wrong though. If not for that then I would have gone for the SN3 or maybe even a Nova.

There have been some suggestions here that all the NAIT 50s have been sold. Well here is one in the window of my local dealer. It’s been there for weeks now.


I wonder what price theyll be selling for on the second hand market in a few years once they are all sold.


Funny that the price of a Nait2 in 1988 and the price of a Nait
50 today corresponds roughly to the price of 2 ounces of gold.
From a strictly pecuniary point of view, buying gold is a better investment…

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You’d think they’d put a little system together to sell the idea. Looks a bit lost on its own.

I saw the same in the window of a retailer near to me last weekend. This is the retailer who didn’t seem to want to let me hear it. I suppose there’s a possibility I might have bought it if I’d been allowed to listen to it.


They may well have such a system in their demo room. But I didn’t go in and ask, partly because I have convinced myself that I don’t need one and partly because my wife was standing next to me wanting to know why I was taking a photo of it!

But the fact that it’s in their window even on days they are shut and every time I go past (a couple of times most days) suggests that this isn’t their demo model.

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I suspect they are all sold in the same way as the Solstice is i.e. Naim has sold them all into the dealer network, but the dealers still have some of that stock as yet unsold. However, I’d wager that the entire 1973 units will eventually be sold out.


Yep. The local dealer I bought mine from (as shown in @davidhendon’s picture) had a couple in stock.

I suspect, unless you’re a dyed in the wool Naim owner, the £2699 NAIT50 is a bit of a hard sell compared to the competition.

I rather like mine though :sunglasses:


A very daft response from the dealer. A shame really as I suspect you would have liked it for your second system :roll_eyes:

I bought a two year old SN3 through a private sale for slightly less than the price of the Nait 50, so I shall never know if I might have preferred the Nait 50. Still, I suspect the higher power of the SN3 will give me a greater choice in speakers. It also has remote control and system automation, which is handy with the ND5XS2 I’ve also acquired recently. Currently they’re substituting my Nait 1 in the bedroom into a pair of Rogers LS7s.


The real question we should be asking is whether the Nait 50 uses yellow Sic Safco capacitors, not how it sounds :grinning:


Regarding the solstice there is quite a reduction of the asking price. Let’s see if Nait 50 follows.

:roll_eyes: :thinking: :wink:
Too late now to get a Summer one.

…and also what the 999 emergency call centre operator said when the answer wasn’t positive.

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I have seen the Nait 50 at 2000 euro.

Problem is that gold doesn’t reproduce music very well!