The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Yeah one could say perhaps DAVE is over the top for the Nait50… but to me right now they are sounding superb together with that little amp rendering most of what DAVE is giving it.


Sounds like you are having fun. Enjoy it as it settles in !

The MM phono stage is very lovely too!


Its headphone amp is also very lovely.


It seems to be even Better than Stageline N for me

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Yes, I must give the headphone amps a try. I suppose really I should get myself another LP12, just to complete the nostalgia trip. I still have a few vinyl albums, just incase.


That is really a nice way to make the most of it.

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has anyone found a north american source for the devices discussed above with which to cover the bright white light in order to tame it? and perhaps change its color. i have a piece of colored tape over mine, which works but is inelegant.

the UK site linked above does not accept usa orders

thanks for any leads

If the right speakers are used, I wouldn’t imagine DAVE is over the top. Maybe not how many want to allocate their funds though.

I am using a P10/Aphelion 2/Cinemag step up into the Nait 50 and the sound is stunning and compares well with numerous much more expensive amplification I have had here. Wondering why I need my phono stage. That source is three times the cost of the little Nait.

Was listening to the recent lp Deutsche Grammophon Original Source Berlioz Symphony Fantastique yesterday. Just absolutely blown away with the dynamics and totality of sound from this setup!


I’ve previously had success taming LED’s with coloured nail varnish. Use a very fine modeller’s brush - not the brush supplied in the cap which is too unwieldy - and very carefully apply multiple coats, allowing each to completely dry before applying the next. Works a treat and you can choose your shade and level of brightness (number of coats).


A future career in a nail bar awaits :wink:


thanks for the tip on the nail varnish! is it removable?

not that i can imagine ever selling the 50 :slight_smile:


Never. The Nait 50’ will be handed down.

Such an amazing piece.


Should come off with nail polish remover, but I’d be careful with solvents around my amp!
Might be safer to just scratch it off with a cocktail stick or similar.

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Be careful. Nail varnish and remover often damage any plastic components they come in to contact with. If these led covers are plastic I doubt that nail varnish remover will merely clean the nail varnish off.


nail varnish remover is acetone and quite destructive - it’ll remove a lot more than your nail varnish so use with extreme caution!


Setup Kabers (early model but with final tweeter version) with N50 today. Very good sound and gets rid of the overly warm and slightly nasal midrange of the Keilidhs, but felt that the amp was struggling a bit. Switched to the 12/160 and that’s much better.

So I think the best match so far for me has been the Tukan, but it needs the right room / source to provide sufficient bass.


It is indeed… been listening this evening… lovely balance and natural drive to the audio… with great insight . Beautiful mids on vocals. and rather nice deep bass without being OTT. driving Meze Empyreans.
Oh yes I discovered one of the inputs needs earth grounding for it to have the right tonal depth… yes it does mention that in the instructions…


After three months I finally gave up and put SN2 back to the system. I really like the idea, the form and the sound of Nait 50 but the most of the time I listen at the low level and the channel imbalance is starting to distract more and more. I will keep the amp though and hopefully I find a suitable use for it at some point in the future.

Interesting. I always have channel imbalance with Supernait 3 thorough to 282 250DR upgrades but my Nait50 is perfect with no imbalance. One of the reasons I like it so much