The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

But what about the cassette deck?

That should be a nice setup - If you liked the XS2 then you should like the NAIT50. It’s a cracking little amp.

I’ll be interested in how you get on.


I totally agree. Use mine with an ND5XS2 front end and Sonus Faber Sonetto 3 and if sounds sublime, I am hearing details I’ve never heard before and it’s very musical, bass lines bop and are so easy to follow. Seriously thinking about selling on my 282 250DR, I’ve owned Naim amps for the best part of 40 years and I really believe it’s the best sound I’ve ever had.


Yes agree Sramble

The Nait 50 certainly gets one thinking along the lines

“Do I really need that 252/SCDR/250DR combo”

For me it’s one of the best Naim purchases I’ve made in 40 + years


I would look at the Nait 50 with a high quality source -it depends on the size of you listening room ,
but it’s a lot better than it’s spec suggests

No remote ,

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Be prepared for a keeper. It a stunning little machine!


Vinyl has a bit more bass - that’s what I also think in my main system.
Nait 50 with nsats is critical regarding bass, but speed and air … lovely…
Had the muso2 at the same place … now so much better. Use it much more often


Not bright or too lively?

Buying some Kabers this weekend to try with my Nait 50. Should be a good step up from Keilidhs, assuming it can drive them ok. Fingers crossed.

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Warming up over an hour now… and it feels like it is opening up… what a cracking little amp… surprised at the depth and low bass, bass guitars really come through. I love the tonal details in the mids… you can really hear into some of my recordings… the highs felt a bit shut in at first, but they seem to be opening out as the amp settles in / warms up.
The stereo field is surprisingly portrayed too.
There is possibly a bit more bass warmth compared to what I am used too … but that may be disappearing as it settles in with interconnects, Powerline, speaker cable etc, or as I get used to Naim amplification again.
So early days… but it hasn’t let me down so far… really enjoying it.
Using Hiline interconnects from DAVE, and NACA5 into ATC SCM 19s.


Good stuff, Simon. I found the bass a tad soft for a few days from first switch on, but then it tightened up very nicely. A fun little amp.

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James, interesting… what are you using with your Nait50?

It really benefits from a full fat Powerline


Indeed, that is what I am using, as opposed to the semi skimmed Powerline provided.

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Hi Simon, I ran it in my main system to start with - A Linn Klimax NGDSM into Kudos 606s. Full fat Power-Line etc. I have a mint NAIT 1 which sometimes comes out to play, so I was interested to hear how the NAIT50 compared. Both have the same SQ DNA but the NAIT50 manages to address all the shortcomings of the original (bright white LED aside…). Steve Sells and his team have done a great job here as there is just something rather ‘right’ with how it plays music - just like the original.

It’s presently sat in my office and will probably go into a second system based around a spare pair of Shahinian Compass speakers I have waiting upstairs. Source not yet decided but I reckon a pre-loved ND5XS2 would do nicely here.

Thinking about it, I’ve not tried it with headphones yet, so it may get some use in my office as a headphone system… :grinning:


Makes you wonder why all the box collecting was necessary. :thinking:


Indeed. Although it works well with the 606s, they do reveal its limitations as while it will drive them rather nicely, bass extension on more demanding tracks (I’m thinking the very low bass on something like Nadia by Nitin Sawhney) is lacking.

For me, its not really got a place in my main system (other plans there) but having always loved the original NAIT from when I was a teenager that couldn’t afford one, to having a NAIT1 much later and then being able to have a NAIT50 too, I want to make the best of use of it.

A bit of a vanity purchase maybe, but you can’t take it with you etc and the NAIT50 is such a lovely re-creation of the original, it would be a shame not to make the most of it.


Yep… I am really liking the weight of its presentation… listening to one of favourite Johnny Cash albums, At Folsom Prison… and via DAVE it really sounds lovely with that 1968 organic feel with surprising dynamics… that ‘can I have a drink of water’ line jumps into the room… with the bass breath popping from the mic really shifting the air in the room… and this has only 25 W rms ?


Ah yes - a great album (along with At San Quentin) - Such an electric atmosphere. It does like a good source so your DAVE should suit it very nicely :sunglasses: