The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I had the dl110 and found it a little too soft and warm, rather than open in the way an mc is.
With the Hana, I run an eh on an lp12, which needs more than the conventional mm phono n card. I have run it with the e card on an 82 which I think it needs.
My SL runs through the GN phono on the P8 and is the best cart/arm/TT combination I have had. I am now trying to resist the siren call of the Umami blue.


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On the subject of cartridges, are there significantly better MM than Rega Exact? I have a P9 with an Exact mk2. I am limited to MM by my SN3. I like how Rega cartridges fit the arm of the P9. I would not move from the Exact unless there was a very big change.

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When it comes to MC cartridges and an MM- only amplifier, I usually point to the Ortofon T5 or the identical Sony HAT-10 step-up transformers. I might do it again here :wink:

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Ian, I donā€™t remember from our meeting, ten days or so ago, whether you have an LP12. If you have one, and youā€™re thinking of getting a replacement plinth, the cherrywood plinth which Peter S supplied is simply gorgeous.

That said, the Solid Sounds (from Leeds) Wenge plinth on my much older LP12 upstairs is very lovely too.

The difference between them is that the Simon Price plinth follows the classic plinth shape/design that anyone familiar with Linn will know. The Solid Sounds plinth has its own (very subtle) shape in the planing of the wood.

Iā€™m in the fortunate position of having two decks, so I donā€™t need to pick a favourite!

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Nobody is limited by a MM phono stage. One can always use a step up transformer or a ā€œhead ampā€ with a low output MC cartridge into a Naim MM phono stage. The catch, I suppose, is this costs additional money. The phono stage in the Nait 50 is competent enough for such an arrangement. (Apologies if Iā€™m stating what everyone already knows)

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Iā€™m using an Ortofon ST-7 step-up transformer with my NAIT50, and it is the perfect accessory to allow me to use a Goldring-rebuilt Linn Troika with the new NAIT.

The Ortofon ST-7 is made in Japan, but is easily obtainable using the Japanese offshoot of a well-known, river-specific website.

You would imagine - or, at least, I did - that step-up transformers would be fairly common, but I had to search high and low to find this one in Japan. They appear to have gone out of fashion.

And, without being critical of Naim, if they are about to launch a celebratory edition integrated amp with an MM input only, you might think that they would offer guidance to buyers about where to source an appropriate MC step-up transformer.

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This has been checked and in my case the cables seems fine (furthermore they are used without any problems with SN2). I think the only real solution would be to return the Nait 50 for inspection (as suggested also here earlier). However, since I am not convinced that it would bring necessarily any positive outcome I am still considering what to do. In the meantime SN2 works fine.

Not Naimā€™s issue Graham , thatā€™s entirely up to the consumer

Iā€™m not aware of any situation in their entire portfolio where they provide guidance on use with other products

Open up all sorts of issues if they did as you could imagine

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The Alps Blue Velvet pots (just like other pots) do have issues with tracking at low volumes. The only way to avoid that is to use a lower gain design (which Naim does not) or be very carefully about post selection process for pots that are perfect across even low on range. My Nait 50 is close to perfect though.

So maybe booking it for service and exchange of a better selected pot would remediate the issue.

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Or you might think that they intend the Nait 50 to be used with MM cartridges only.

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Thatā€™s a dealers job to help out customers with these sort of queries and guidance.

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I canā€™t see how it would hurt Naim to give some guidance. I imagine that, of Naimā€™s customer base using turntables, only a small minority would routinely use an MM cartridge. The days of the Shure V15III are well and truly over - and a very good thing that is too!

There is always the option of keeping it simple and buying a MC phono stage, Naim or otherwise. Then feed directly into a line level input on the amp. That would be my route if I go MC

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Thatā€™s precisely what Iā€™ve done Mikee

Saves a lot of stuffing around

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Best SUT ever the Audio Technica AT630 ā€œ Tank ā€œ. :+1:t2:



It strikes me that if I had invested in the Nait 50 that I would most likely want to match it with a suitable turntable / arm / cartridge / speakers and end up with a nicely balanced system rather than bump up the source and make the Nait fit. Probably just me :shushing_face:


That is exactly what I have done. I have installed an Ortofon ST-7 step-up transformer. But I had to buy and import it from Japan.

Step-up transformers were fairly common about 30 years ago, but theyā€™re not any more!

Thanks Graham, one of my two big hifi mistakes was trading in my LP12, which was promptly broken up for spares .

I am thinking of another LP12 and the Simplinth builds and choice of wood appeals . The other alternative is to utilise the arm from my Clearaudio Emotion and move on up to the next level of Clearaudio

I am so glad you have got the second turntable with the Nait 50, your second system might be my first system

best wishes


Do these step ups work really well Graham ?

No issue with noise etc etc? Or however they work ?