The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

You can connect a CDP of course and yes, I meant the Nait 50 headphone for when (humbly, of course!) listening to TT or CD directly

The HE has a high quality volume control and to my understanding does not need to be at any particular volume level. I have tried it with a few amps at low and high volume position and no loss of SQ in that respect.

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This sounds like Unity Gain which means the equipment is not changing the volume level, as if it wasnt in the signal path. I know that Unity Gain on all Linn gear is 80 but not familiar with Naim. Certainly appears that they use 69 on this device.

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Itā€™s a pity isnā€™t it. Such a nice little amp but apparently can have this imbalance problem. Whatā€™s your plan? Are you going to return it to the dealer? I am yet to decide myself what to do.

It seems that Itā€™ s a little short of breath with IBLs now, where on the other hand was pretty much at ease with S600s. Apparently IBLs are really demanding little speakers since the other pair, really shining with my 500 now with Max B, his Supernait 1 struggles a bit.
I thank Will try now with 202/HC/200

Yes, itā€™s really a great pity. Iā€™m not sure yet, I canā€™t keep it as it is, but Iā€™m trying to find a solution with my dealer. I have no desire to gamble, so Iā€™m not going to try out several Nait 50s, if my dealer would even go along with that. Iā€™m also not in the mood for a repair straight after a month.
Iā€™ll either go back to the Atom or try something completely different. Iā€™ve always found the Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 very interesting, or maybe Iā€™ll end up with active speakers like the new A10 from Buchardt.

Interesting options you have lined up. Good luck which ever path you decide to choose.

With something like a Rega above P6 and e.g. a higher end Shibata or SLC stylus, especially with the Nait 50, I think you would be far less likely to think of the sound as warm and fuzzy? May be worth trying?
May be P3-P6 or a lower/mid LP12 with MM could feel fuller but a bit ā€œtoo warmā€ in general? (in my experience at least)

Hi, yes it was the relative lack of definition in the upper mids and highs, yes I know there are some very high end MM cartridges available, but for similar or less money I can get a flatter, more insightful to my tastes presentation say with a modern OC9 variantā€¦ I think ultimately itā€™s a limitation of the mass and momentum of the cantilever with MM over the MC which requires serious effort and cost to compensate for.
The last time I had a turntable I had a MC, so I guess I am used to that presentation as my listening session on Saturday across multiple cartridges and turn tables showedā€¦. All good funā€¦ nothing is straightforward :grinning:

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You need a 250 with IBLs.


I ran IBLā€™s for several years with a slimline 92/Flatcap/90 and they sounded mighty fine. When I upgraded to an 82/Hi-cap/250 (olive) there was certainly an increase in authority and the bass filled out nicely. But at the same time the sound now lacked the speed and light-footedness of the smaller amp. Apparently driven active they are something else again.

Maybe the grocerā€™s version behaves differently.

I might or might not agree if I had any idea of what you meant.

Is your mind addled today? :wink:

Iā€™m not a grocer you know. Never have been. Honest guvnor.

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I have just successfully completed the swap nSat with Nait50 and IBL with 202/HC/200, iā€™m really really positevely surprised. It seems a totally different loudspeaker now with bigger scale, more tuneful bass, better and more trasparent midrange. On the other hand, the nSat with Nait50 Itā€™ s still very good. So Itā€™ s win win situation. Also i just talked with Massimo and heā€™s really enthusiastic with his rosewood pair

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The IBLā€™s also have their roots firmly planted in the analogue era. They undeniably give of their best with an analogue source - the LP12 being the one of choice.

Yes of course they work with digital, as they did in my set-up, but as with the Kans an LP12 wrings the absolute best from them.


I find absolutely brilliantl, with CDX2, more so with CD555.

Regarding the imbalance issues experienced by some users may I suggest their speaker cables are checked for firm clamping of their wires within the banana plugs or other connectors at both ends.


He means itā€™s IBLs not IBLā€™s. The spurious apostrophe is what HH is commenting on.

Donā€™t overlook the often overlooked high output MC option. The second time I had a Planar 3 (back in 2001) I ended up using a Denon DL-110 which was the best Iā€™d ever heard the deck sounding. The only reservation was the slightly reserved/polite sound, which Iā€™ve heard from nearly all Denon kit - CD, cassette or minidisc. Must be their signature.

More recently I had a Rega RP6 with a Hana SL (low output MC) which was better still and since moving to the dark side, my LP12 swiftly went from an Adikt MM to a Hana SH (the high output variant) and Iā€™m more than happy with the result.


Where would I be without this guyā€™s infinite wisdom? (is that apostrophe OK HH - I think it is but youā€™d (oops another one!) better check!).

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