The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Did notice that for black friday, Sevenoaks had some package deals to offload the Nait 50.

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I thought that they had all been snapped up, but perhaps some dealers still have a few in stock. I certainly wouldn’t be sitting around, hoping for a reduced price, if I wanted to get my hands on one.

I agree.

At this rate, they’ll be throwing in a Solstice as part of the deal :wink:

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Well……now you’re talking😂

Buy a Nait 50 and get a free Solstice :wink:


I suspect those might be their demo models, there’s not a lot of point demonstrating a limited edition that you can’t get any more of. I nearly bought an ex-dem one from Audio-T until I remembered I didn’t need another amp.


That’s a poor excuse !

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Get thee behind me James_n. (I’ve just checked and they still have one.)


You’re safe. I bought one a while back and I didn’t need another amp either (or another NAIT !) :innocent:

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Pass !!!

Goodness me

I have the Nait 50 and a Core. You don’t say how exactly you want to connect them together, but as you are asking only about DACs that implies that you want to hardwire the Core to a DAC using the BNC digital output. If that is the case you have many options and you don’t need to spend huge amounts of money. I have tried various Naim devices and non-Naim devices that I own and all work very well indeed in that configuration. I suggest looking at Topping for example. Say the E30II, which is significantly better than the DAC in either Atom (although those will work, and very well). I have tried the Topping E30, both Atoms, ND5XS2, and others. Right now I have an EverSolo A6 Master connected to my Core via BNC/RCA and have absolutely no complaints.

If on the other hand you want to connect to the Core by WiFi, then of course you need something with streaming capability. In this case I suggest strongly sticking within the Naim family as the Core doesn’t play nice with the non-Naim world. The Atoms can be used for this of course, but I decided to use an nd5xs2. Not exactly ‘shoe box’, but works very well.

Bottom line: Don’t spend a lot of money on DACs – Not these days. Several companies have state of the art offerings in their recent lineups.


I just checked and my dealer still has the Nait 50 on sale for 20% off. Only problem; he is in Canada!

It’s pretty simple

I currently have the core/naim nDAC/nait 50 combo

I’m just trying to replace the nDAC with a half width dac as the nDAC is going into another system

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For last UK orders and at a super good price, I just noticed one - the name of the dealer starts with Cym … and there’s a B somewhere after….

DAC V1 works a treat for me fed from pc into Nait 50 and wharfdale’s latest and smallest Diamonds which I think punch well beyond their weight!


I think the sale ends today.

Just so you know :money_mouth_face:

Put an Audioquest jitterbug into a spare USB socket on your laptop or if you have the space and ÂŁ250 an entreq macro box on the V1. Should give you a lift using your laptop as a source.

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Following this….but I really don’t need a new amp…but on the other hand I’m soon to be 50…:thinking:

But do you really want one? Surely that is more important :thinking: