The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Thanks Richard - I am concerned because the woofer certainly gives a little jump every time I go from standby to full power.

Thanks @JonathanG means even more from another Olive lover :+1:

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Just listening to DSOTM vinyl using the PT 1 and it sounds great. Must say Nait 50 is a vinyl lovers amp. Thinking of keeping it set up for my PT 1 as they go together so well. Mind you, it might need to go back due to the standby thuds.

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Nait50 + CDS + Intro2 = perfect match :grinning:
But again the CDS surprises me:
-with the Nait50 quite the same level of details as with the AKG712;
-but far more essential always with this unique enjoyment and excitement to play music and sense of drama!
I remember a friend saying the CDS will be passed…
I don’t want to imagine what it would be with a pair ATC ASL 100!


Nice setup. There was a ‘from the vault’ revisit of the 1992 CDS review in the July edition of Hi-Fi News. An interesting read.


Thank you, very interesting :face_with_monocle:

What Linn player did they compare it with?
Karik or the other (I forget the name)?


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I fell for it……:heart:


Wholly agree that the Nait 50 seems to really like vinyl. Also agree that the standby pop can disconcerting. I have taken to just zeroing the volume when I shut everything down after listening. Feels quite natural after doing it for a week or so.

I can live with the „standby thud“ providing it is not going to cause any damage and is not a fault. What I find weird is that the standby thud is not universal. @Simon-in-Suffolk had zero standby thud and we both have it. Is it a random production fault or something which depends on your other equipment etc

Thump on switching on mains , but minimal when switching standby etc .

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The unit here gives a small ‘soft thump’ out of the speakers when switched on (out of standby) much like that by a phono stylus running into the end of the lead out groove. No perceptible sound from the speakers going into standby.

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It might be related to speaker perhaps? If not then it must be sample variation.

What I find remarkable is the sound source location and detail in the soundscape when playing the appropriate digital sources (a +ve change from NAITs I am familiar with).

When comparing the two (N50 & N2) while playing music like this Reverend Gary Davis LP from 1971 through their phono inputs clearly reveals what the N2 does best. The recorded event transforms showing seemingly unrestrained dynamics (albeit with its warm coloration and limits on volume). The illusion that the late Reverend GD is playing his custom made 12 string Bozo, pouring out all his life’s blues and gospel, for you right there in the room!

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Interesting comparison. I have a lonely Nait 2 sitting on a shelf and used Nait50 prices are very attractive right now.

I do love the little Nait 2… used it when my 552/500 were off for DR service and it just boogied (when fed with an NDS).

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Chris I could have kept my Nait 2 along side the Nait 50

But oh no what did I do :flushed:

Out the door with the Nait 2 ( it was very good though I must admit) and now have 2 Nait 50’s albeit in different locations 100kms apart

To me it’s that good


I’ve just received a Nait 50 marketing email from Naim. I wonder why.

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I thought it was a bit odd to get a promotional email for a product which Naim say has very nearly sold out. Perhaps their dealers are complaining that they have too many that they can’t shift.

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