The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Just opened the box and fired it up and I am really impressed with the sound quality. It is a customer return but the dealer said it was used for no more than a week so is not burnt in yet. I am using an NDX and a Clearaudio concept MC as sources and Spendor A7 speakers with NACA5 and I like what I am hearing. Sound stage and separation of instruments are particularly impressive. Bass is wonderfully controlled. I can’t say either it is bright. A bit more emphasised top end than my SN3 or 282/250 DR but not bright. For 25 watts it has plenty of power for my small listening room. LED is more like a laser but we all know that. Fantastic. Pleased with the SQ/EUR with the reduced price.


Where is the NAIT 50 numbered ?

If you mean something between 1-1973, it’s not numbered.

I’d have to say that I enjoy owning the Nait 50 along with the AV Options Nait 2, split Nait 3R, and the Supernait 2 (which needs repaired). Each sounds different and to be honest, the one playing is always the one I like most. Need to get my hands on a Nait 5i, which was my first Naim amp. I know I would still love it.

Have to admit the olives are my favorite, cosmetically speaking (but that’s for another thread :wink:)…


Princes highway… 1

And north the Pacific Hwy M1?

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Central Cost, Gosford, Port Stephens, Newcastle, Port Macquarie! and much more…

You’re from Chicago?

I’m actually from France, but been living 7 years in Sydney where my 2 daughters were born. Then back to France and now in Chicago!
I sometimes miss Sydney.

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Chicago is interesting place been there twice once in 95 and the other a few years ago when our plane from NY to SFS was forced to land due to technical difficulties

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Yeah it’s a great city. Very different from Sydney but really good too!

Joining in on the Chicago :sparkling_heart:
Wasn’t expecting to, but I loved it.

To stay on topic: Nait50 looks cute. I like shoeboxes; I keep my NAC32/SNAPS for sentimental reasons.

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I arrived in 95 on my own just as the OJ Simpson verdict was coming thru on the Monday. I left there on business to Atlanta on Monday morning and was there we he was found not guilty. Very surreal.

Had a very interesting week end in Chicago great architecture and the have a wonderful art galleries.

I just put my PT 1 into the phono input. It sounds amazing ! Love it. The Nait 50 likes vintage HiFi sources. You can set the volume when you flip the record so no extra work there ! But I do get a bump/thump through the speakers when putting it into standby - no matter which input is selected. I see some users get this and others not.

Yep I don’t have this thumping sound either on my Nait50 or the loaner I have whilst mine is repaired.
I do turn the volume to zero if I disconnect the mains however.

Noted your vintage sources… and the N50 is equally at home with modern high end sources as well such Chord Electronics DAVE… it sounds gorgeously compelling.

@Richard.Dane is the thump when the Nait 50 goes from standby to full power anything to be concerned about ? It happens whatever source is selected and whether there is actually anything connected to the input. It still happens even if the volume is zero. I have no hum etc and 2 separate power circuits for the Hifi so I don’t think it is my mains.

My listen to a NAIT 50 was very brief indeed, so I couldn’t really say. Perhaps if @110dB reads this post he may be able to comment here.

Doesn’t happen with mine while into standby but always when connect the mains cable

I got that too with plugging in the mains lead - a bigger one. My thud is also on pressing the „mains“ button when I take it out of standby

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What a fabulous minimalist system Black star!! Love the pics…

Naim and ATC is a match made in heaven imho


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