The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

In US? As many as possible…:smirk:

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:grinning: I couldn’t possibly comment.

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A bit late to the party but picked up my new Nait 50 a couple of weeks ago and has been in my system for a few days now. I have come from a Rega Brio so naturally was expecting the N50 to be better but it is worlds apart in every way.
I have an LP12, karousel, kore, lingo 1, Ittok, and ATVM95SH front end and Linn Majik 109’s. I was concerned the N50 would struggle with the speakers rated at 4ohms/88db but no problem it has plenty of grunt compared to the Brio.
I was holding out for a good used Supernait 3 but liked the idea of owning a modern take on a Naim classic, especially as I owned a Nait 1 back in the late 80’s.
I have read through all 4K+ posts on this thread over last couple of weeks and it seems I am in a good place with my N50. I only play vinyl so a lack of inputs is not an issue for me and I sit next to my hifi rack so can reach the volume knob from my listening position so no remote is fine. In fact I never used the one with the Brio.

I am so impressed with this amp and I am experiencing all things things you have all mentioned numerous times already. I applaud all you guys with multi box systems and enjoy reading your experiences, but I like my hifi very simple and see this as my end game amp.
It great to be back in the Naim fold again after a 30 year break.
I am on about number 10 of my 1k record collection and have not been disappointed yet. Many hours of happy listening ahead :grinning:


for n greater than, or equal to zero, n+1 is the number of systems you should aspire or plan to own, where n is the current number of systems owned


Love your set up. May I ask what stand the amp is on?

Thanks @CaptVic it gives me as much pleasure listening to this near-field system than the main one, I could happily live with just this!

The stand is my original Sound Organisation 4 shelf one I bought in the late 90’s. This is the fixed 2 shelf base unit (the other 2 just stacked on top as you needed them).

Glad to say mine is back and sounding great again. Jason at Naim confirmed the streamer input was not at full Nait50 quality, and had certain components replaced … new DIN socket and input relay… seems to have done the trick. These things are sensitive.


Do naim understand why your item was not the full nait 50 quality ?



It was only one of the inputs that went ‘bad’ (this was quite subtle - but quite noticeable to me, my dealer and Jason@Naim)… and quite obvious in comparison to the Aux input which I had been using mostly.

I did ask that question - and the reason I was told was the pressure of one of the signal pin sockets in the DIN socket were not optimal perhaps due to manufacturing tolerances … or something like that. I don’t know why they changed the relay.

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Sounds like a supplier quality issue ( din socket) and supplier quality based on experience (relay).
I wonder how far these two issues extend into other nait 50s?

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Possibly or it can be a rare occurrence or even one off. I haven’t heard of anyone else talking about SQ differences between inputs, no matter how subtle - so I guess it might have been me who was unlucky.

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Well done!
Bought mine new at release and never regretted it! Maybe bought mine in the same area as you. :wink:

Same here - minimal from standby as well here

Really like this 1980’s system! :+1:

I have taken delivery of Klipschorns today (!). 105db/1M/1W. Not quite 110db but close enough. :wink:

The match with a Nait 2 is terrific. No problem with noise or excessive gain. Just a whole lot more texture and detail in the music. Quite something but probably not a sound for everyone. Little amp, big sound.

Will be trying the Nait 50 in a few hours along with every other amp I own…haha.


I remember at a demonstration back in the late 70’s or was it early 80’s, where the local JBL/Harman distributor demonstrated a pair Klipschorn along with other stuff.
I recall amps were Citation.

It was a scary experience, he demoed sound from a train coming against you !
Everybody in that room got frightened, it was rather realistic.
I can’t remember how they sounded with music replay though.

Indeed! Certain things demonstrated at or near volume level as in real life can be startling. Klipschorns can play up to 121db.

I had a chance to try the Nait 50 yesterday. I’d have to say the Nait 50 might be preferred with these speakers over the Nait 2. Just something about the full frequency spectrum of the Nait 50 and its neutrality is winning me over. Nait 2 is warmer and softer around the edges. Nait 50 clearly wins in the bass department.

In any case, it’s a beautiful thing to get such wide dynamic range and big sound from these shoeboxes. I’ll be listening again but next time using the internal phono stages.

The differences between these two amps are more pronounced with these speakers than any I have tried.

Good to hear that from someone that actually tried both amps.

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Well I took me a bit of time to send the Nait 50 back to the dealer. Just got the email to tell me it has been repaired and is being sent back to north Germany. The dealer said they will need to wait until it arrives to be able to tell me what the problem was. Tantalising. To be continued.