The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I’ ve also successfully driven S600 with It, found It so so with IBLs and really in its element with nSat

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Aha ok, thank you, that sounds reassuring. :slightly_smiling_face:

Absolutely in my humblest of opinions, Blu-Tack is one of the worst things you can use that smother speaker performance on a stand… I have found placing speakers directly on a stand or carbon fibre pads the best in decoupling higher frequencies, and coupling of lower… tends to kill timing.

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PMC supply blu-tac with their twenty2.21 and 22 stands. Presumably they know what they are doing.

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A lot do, or blu-tack variants… kills the sound though in my experience… really don’t know why they do, probably because of consumer expectation, also to be fair might be a safety thing for those consumers with young children.
Some enlightened manufacturers like Something Solid with their OTS stands absolutely avoided coupling speakers using synthetic rubber compounds and used carbon fibre pads, others use certain woods or Torlyte

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Use Herbie Fat Dots

When I has Something Solid stands with ProAc Tablette 10 speakers I had a chat with the man who made the stands. He recommended tiny blobs of Blu-tac on top of the carbon fibre, to hold the speakers in place, and went so far as including some in the box, though it was actually white.

Maybe you are straying into opinion as fact here; I’ve used Blu-tac many times and it absolutely hasn’t ’killed the sound’. Perhaps not be so black and white. Do you really think you know better than PMC, who make a living selling speakers.


Yep, absolutely of course I do.
I know what sounds best to me in my and other setups I hear, rather than some one telling me what to do or think. Use your ears and decide for yourself. If you like the damped effect of synthetic rubber compounds like sorbothane, white-tack or blu-tack then use it… I don’t … it kills the timing for me.
With my OTS stands I got glass paper provided to me by Something Solid to sand the carbon fibre pads down fractions of a millimetre to make perfectly level with the speaker base for optimum coupling. Worked very well indeed including with one set of PMC stand mounts and ATC speakers.


Well, @Simon-in-Suffolk did say “in my humblest of opinions”.

I don’t think it hurts to try as it’s inexpensive and removeable. If it kills the sound try something else. Then share the experience here…

In the past I’ve used stands with spikes on top, which I’ve always found to work well. My current Custom Design FS104 stands don’t have these, and I’m not wild about the usual “pea-sized blobs of Blu-Tack” recommendation. With kids in the house and the left speaker close to a doorway, just sitting a speaker on a stand is not a realistic solution.

My compromise is to embed a single Atabite disc - about 3 mm. in diameter and 1 to 2 mm. thick - in a tiny blob of Black Tack and put one of those at each corner. These are just thick enough to handle irregularities in the top plate of the stand, are very stable, and provide as small a contact surface as I can manage.

I haven’t directly compared this solution to anything else, but I’m more than happy with the sounds my ProAc Tablette 10 Signatures are making these days, and I don’t feel a need to experiment further.

And I use Witch Hat Phantom between NAIT50 and TAB 10 SIG :wink:


Indeed there comes a point when it is sounding effectively perfect for you you don’t want to fiddle around further just in case you set things back.
The Nait50 is such a beguiling amp, to my ears it becomes quite obvious when things snap into focus…
Most days when home I listen to my RK50s on Solidsteel SS-6 stands via my Nait50 and DAVE and still hooked and intrigued by subtle musical cues in recordings, some of which I can be familiar with … these can range from the tuning of percussion, use of gated reverb, intonation in duets, reed quality in a folk melodion, you name it… I love it… and that combo is the first hifi combo I have ever owned that gives me that enjoyment and musical insight… and I am fairly certain the Nait50 is a significant part of it… as well as I believe HTN type interconnects from DNM to minimise parasitic RF inter modulation in the amp.

I guess one downside, if you can call it that, it does make shortcomings in recording, mixing or producing the more obvious…


I like this approach against “I know better” ego.


Swapped 5 interconnects recently including DNM at the input of Nait 50 and found that it needed at least Super Lumina, that is how much potential is hidden inside this amp.

Indeed the DNM HFT leads are absolutely fantastic between the DAVE and Nait50. Low capacitance/unshielded copper with RF filters… it really does sound superb and natural and unmodified with a deep tight bass, subtle dynamics and extended high end with no undue focus on smearing/sibilance .
I know these cables were originally designed for the Esoteric DNM wide bandwidth amps - but they do match very well with DAVE and the Nait50 - and they are not silly money which is refreshing.

BTW I did listen to Nait50 and DAVE with SuperLumina - very good but not totally my cup of tea - but I can understand with other sources it might sound fab.

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Really exited to hear what’s the point of saying “at least”
Is it about price or about performance ?

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For interconnects in my experience those are in the most linear correlation vs other cables

But your comment “at least” suggest there’s other above…?

For sure there’re cables better (and often more expensive) than SL

Its often a consensus(more expensive) but not really my own experience.
On the contrary, I’ve experienced cables to better other cables 10x price snakeoil.

SL didn’t match the setup I heard them in, the more expensive cables, the more I get suspicious - its all a jungle.

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