The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

It sure is, when I return holiday I will give the Nait 50 another spin in the main setup accompanied with SBLs, DAVE and ND5XS2.
There’s something just right with this amp, its hard to believe the N50 only makes 25 beautiful watts per channel.


Well yes if playing sine waves… playing music it can punch out in excess of 200 Watts… just keep good spacing around it as it can get warm when working hard. I am sure that huge power reserve gives it the control and grip we hear.

Ah yes I forgot about the additional watts when required

I currently have both, but going to sell the SN3. :grinning:


Quite a different sound, I have to say. Much more aligned to the NC range.


Same here.


I’ve just rejoined the Hi Fi experience. Had my 1980s Rega Planar 2 serviced, added an Audio Technica VM95ML ran it with a Rega Brio and Dali Oberon 1s in the Hi Fi shop and took that lot home a few months back. But was not really happy with the sound.
So I auditioned the Rega P6 c/w ND7 (played through a Super Nait 3 and Dali’s Rubikore 5s) Quite an improvement. The shop suggested I have a loan of the Nait 50 to go with my new turntable.
The Planar 2 is up in the loft, the Brio was traded in for the Nait 50 and I’m taken aback by just how good my new set up sounds.


@smiffy Are you now using your Nait 50 with the Dali Oberon 1’s ?
(according to your system profile)

If so, I’m kinda (although pleasantly!) surprised. I know that the Dali Oberon 1’s can sound really good (have 'em myself on the end of a Rega IO) but the price of a Nait 50 is about 8 to 9 times the price of a pair of Oberon 1’s. (here in the Netherlands)

Hi @Smiffy,

Sounds like you have made a very good move/upgrade. I have always loved Rega and until a couple of years ago I was using a P2 into a Brio with Monitor Audio Bronze 2s. Upgraded the P2 and bronze 2s for an LP12 and Linn 109s, but kept the Brio until recently when I bought a Nait 50. I was always very pleased with my Brio but the Nait 50 has definitely showed me what has been missing while using the Brio.

The Nait 50 has a far better grip on the Oberon 1s than the Brio ever did, they have come alive since the P6 ND7 matchup with the Nait 50. The listening room is 4m x 4m, carpeted with soft furnishings. Price differentials aside, I’m well satisfied.


Thanks for your reply Smiffy. Wow, that’s quite remarkable, to see a high-end integrated amp like the Nait 50 partnered with budget speakers like the Dali Oberon 1’s. (a nice example of source first) May I ask what stands you are using for the Oberon’s ? (I’m using the Solidsteel SS-6) My room is 4x6m, laminate floor, but with large carpet between system and listening seat.

Last year I tried a s/h Nait 5i-2 with the Oberon’s but, although exciting at first listening, it soon became fatiging.

I’m surprised how well the little Rega IO sounds with the Oberons. Still,…I’m trying to ignore the Nait 50 itch. :thinking: (the Nait 1 and 2 were the most musically rewarding amps I ever had over the last >30 years) My only source (BS Node) won’t do justice to the amp though and I don’t have a turntable either, to compliment the great internal phonostage of the Nait 50. (also the channel imbalance at low volume levels that some have experienced is a bit of a worry)

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I heard the BS Node with the Nait 50 via a Chord QUTEST DAC , and it was superb , the only reason I don’t have it (as I have said many, many times) is my desire to keep box count small .

Together they met my requirement of sound quality - high


I can understand your desire to keep box count small, Ian. (especially when the boxes also have different looks and dimensions) Same here.

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The speaker stands are SoundStyle Z2 with Winslow Audio supplied isolation gel pads between the Oberon 1s and the stands.
The idea of using Blue Tak as isolation suggested by the shop guy was never going to happen.

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Well it may be confession time.
I was brought up listening to music played through an LP12 with Ittok arm, Naim 42/110 and Linn Kans. It’s still in the family thankfully.


I’ve not experienced the loss of a channel at super low listening volumes from the Nait 50.

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I am guessing the channel imbalance is an exception rather than norm. I don’t have a channel imbalance at low volume and this is listening to 105db/1W Klipschorns.

An amazing pairing, btw. The amp is easily as good as my 300B and EL34 amplifiers where valves are the usual pairing with such speakers. The Nait 50 may end up as my main amp because of this, because of its size, and because it looks so damn cool.


The Nait 50 is rather special, since the demise of my SL2s I robbed the SBLs from the Nait 50 for the main rig. I’ve since purchased (my 3rd pair :grin:) Proac Tab 10 Signatures for the Nait.

WOW the N50 / Tab 10 is a formidable setup, sounds awesome. Digs deep on the detail and I guess you won’t believe me but there’s a hefty tuneful bass, lovely :boom:

Source ND5XS2


I believe you :smiley:

…another Nait 50 / Tab 10 Sig owner :+1: