The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Try a pair of PMC Twenty5 26i on the end of 222/300/250 ! :blush:

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Iā€™m quite sure that as the name (pun intended) has been removed there are no issues

Naimā€™s brand ambassador shot a small promotional video for the N50 mentioning a specific dealer , a video that would have been banned on this forum ā€¦

I would but I think theyā€™d be too much - was impressed by the 25.21iā€™s I tried a few weeks ago - so may try again when new items bedded in and new room ready - donā€™t know why but really drawn to small speakers at mo!

You could always try a used pair of Twenty5 26 !
It will all come down to your preferred sound balance .
and room acoustics. It seem very much on here it is between 3 manufacturers, ATC, Kudos and PMC. They are all quite distinctive, in their own way.
You pays your money and takes your choice. :blush:
Sorry, back to the thread.

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Sorry not in the financial sense - but size of new room - 8ā€™ x 16ā€™

All this vintage Naim talk is making me appreciate my recently purchased Naim Nait XS3 more. I already feel like Iā€™ve dialled into the heritage !

Iā€™m looking forward to peopleā€™s views on how the NN50 compares with existing models.


I think the Nait 50 looks great, and will be a lot of fun for the folks that are able to get one, or currently do have one. I thought about it off and on, but decided that I need nothing more than my XS3 along with my ND5XS2, they just work so well together. Doubtful that combination will change in the near future, if at all, at least for my system.


How about some KEF R3 Metas to go with the N50?

They look smart at least and sound niceā€¦A match for the little box?

Ordered some Chord Shawline to connect my UnitiQute to my incoming Nait 50

Four years ago my system looked like this

When the Nait 50 comes it will be down to two boxes in the audio rack plus TT . Dodgy knees and a cataract have made connecting audio systems a nightmare and I have a strong desire to simplify everything

and here is the new system


Would the amp work well with Falcon LS3/5aā€™s ?
I think theyā€™d be ok but the LS3/5aā€™s need more power ideally methinks

Iā€™m thinking the same Thumper23

They need quite a bit of grunt to be at their best

This thread is dangerousā€¦ I could not resist but just placed an order and paid the deposit (40%). Letā€™s see if I ever receive the amp. There was no confirmation about the delivery time yet.

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Managed to spell ā€œitsā€ wrongly for times over - good going!


Why wouldnā€™t you?

Its ok

I have a history with Naim items. In 2011 I ordered and paid n-sats which were never delivered. The dealer was not duly informed about the discontinuation. Of course I received a refund so no financial loss. However, since this was part of my first Naim order it did leave a certain suspicion concerning Naimā€™s customer service and ability to communicate their dealers. A couple of successful purchases since then and I really like the sound so I remain hopeful for this oneā€¦


Heā€™s from Oxford, heā€™s defending his comma.


I hope that theyā€™ll work, as I have just taken delivery of Falcon LS3/5As, and I have a Nait 50 on order getting a bit impatient now.

I have a late model Nait 2, so Iā€™ll make sure of comparing the two amps before deciding what to do.


Iā€™m pretty sure the N-Sats were outsourced which could have been a factor

I have Harbeth P3ESR and am in similar situation , weā€™ll have to wait and see - but somehow feel confident .