The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Appreciate the comparative analysis, but to be fair, we need to hear from someone with a recently serviced Nait 2.

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Point given!
@HiFiman can do so. Maybe good that mine is not serviced. Also like the colour of nait 2! No plan to sell him, anytime

Give me a few days with the Nait 50 but performance, musical insight so far over the Nait 2 very impressed.

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Musical insight describes it very well!

I wonder if the Nait 50 is generally perceived as bright and tonally on the cooler side?

Compared to nait 2 he will be (brighter not bright) - but all the openness and insight / detail comes with it. Had the same effect with ND555 vs ND5XS2 → and ND555 is sooo much better :slight_smile:

What nait 50 is doomed very well is the “pop up-Effect” → some sounds popping forward.
This is one of the things I loved most with naim over the years.

Have you tried the ND555 with the Nait 50

Nope - maybe will some day :slight_smile:
Taking him into main system … nait50 instead of 52/Sc/135

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Stick a Powerline on it.

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YEAH - can do … have one in a box :slight_smile: Good point!

@110dB told me he has, and said it “sounds great”!

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Well earlier on today we received the first delivery of our (six so far) NAIT 50’s :slightly_smiling_face:


The packaging is ace harps back to the original CB era its a shame they end up in the loft

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Thanks Geoff. The Nait 50 also sounds awesome with an mDAVE connected.

Source first :grin:


Thanks - have done so. First ever power line used (have spare from 555PS which is on Powerigel).
It is a bit softer… organic - fine !!!

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Powerline? YES - it is. More smooth/ a tad warmer … good advice :slight_smile:

The Nait 50 rocks, what an amp. 5 hours none stop I’ve sat and listened, playing Floyd - One Of These Days, wow it sounds fantastic

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Or Better still in a cupboard with vinyls


Very nicely cared for vinyls too. :wink:
I do the same with poly outers. :+1:t2:

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