The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I cannot say, my N50 is on order and I haven’t heard it yet .

Many of the forum members have been Naim customers for more years than we would like to remember , as a result we have accumulated quite a few chords with Din connectors , very few manufacturers use DIN now .

You may have to factor in additional costs for the two non RCA sockets

My view is that if you are new to Naim a Nait 50 may be restrictive in comparison to the other Naim integrated amps


Thoroughly enjoying the NAIT 50 which has been running in for more than a week now. Room filling, sparkling sound as others have described above. I’ve now put it into standby mode to test how that works. It does indeed go into standby without a signal but the manual says that ‘music sensing’ will waken it up when it receives a signal again in this mode. This isn’t happening, it stays silent until I press the mains button on the front. Would other owners give this a try when they can and report back, please?

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I’ve a better amp, white leds too. Ron Smith galaxie :slight_smile:


Oh, SBL’s and an interesting piece of art.


LOL - :rofl: - a spinning Pizza

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Will test it and report back!

:+1::+1: Thanks.

Same here, doesn’t wake from standby when playing a source. I’ve not read the manual yet so didn’t know it should/could do that :grin:

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Same here - sensing music does not work!
Maybe @110dB can give an advice next week, what we haven’t looked at. Mine is connected via DIN to nDAC. THX a lot

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Thanks very much for testing and to Richard for replying too. Mine is connected to a Cambridge Audio CXN V2 streamer rca to din. We’ll see what Steve’s thoughts are.

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I had private SN3, then added HCDR, it wasn’t my gaming. I sold SN3. I listened to Naim Atom at home, not my sound either. I had an Atom HE at home, this Naim sounds great! I like the XS3 too, but it has its limitations, which I wrote about earlier

If you are not so used to the naim sound I would be vera carefully in buying nait 50 blind

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Tried if it behaves different toggle “Instant on” switch on the back?

With instant on switched off it should go in Standby - it goes to sleep in 19 min :slight_smile: but is not waking up. With instant on turned off, there is a plop in the speakers when hitting mains. When on “always on” there is no plop :slight_smile:

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I was thinking that with instant on in on position more electronics are active and maybe that is needed to wake it up when sensing an input signal.

The standby button switches it off. You have to switch it back on.
Don’t touch the button. Instant on switched on. It stays on forever.
Instant on switched off. It will auto sleep after 19 minutes. Play music and it will wake up automatically.

Correct - Instant on switched off (at the back) … = standby Mode. But when music is played … no wake up :slight_smile:

Did your light go dim at the front after about 20 mins?

After exactly 19 min … it makes “click” and the light has dimmed = sleeping … And waking up with music does not happen - input is selected correctly.

Is there a different outcome between a DIN or Phono(RCA) connection?

Agreed doesn’t work. I cranked up the volume on the dac v1 so don’t think it’s a sensitivity issue.

I’m assuming now that it shouldn’t matter if you press the button yourself, or it switches itself to standby after 19 mins, in both situations it should wake up with input.

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