The Opposite of Tweaking Mania?

Yes it’s fine… keen to try actives… and simplify… and if it is at least as good I have achieved what I want…


I was very very close to buying D&D’s .

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They were fantastic speakers (as were the Kii 3). If they had a removable DSP / Amp pack then that would do it for me. My concern with both models was that there was a lot of tech inside each speaker that would become obsolete over time. An advantage that the ATC route has. The controlling of the room contribution was very impressive though. Not for everyone but for anyone with 15k or so to spend, these are well worth auditioning and would certainly be very tempting if i was starting again.

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Okay, I will start the confrontation…my simple Uniti1 blows all the Naim gear above it into the weeds, no contest! :grin:

I also have it on 15 stages of Mana, and the room is treated with bat wings from Sherwood Forest and…

Not a suggestion, I thought you installed something to damp the sound and isolate from the windows.
I thought it was cartoon like isolation but these are just closed shades.
My weak eyes or not enough picture resolution…

There is always the infamous acoustic curtains :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :dash:
ATB Peter

I had a Uniti 2 and it blew the Uniti 1 away. Had the 192/24 upgrade, so there.

And Mana is for old men, stuck in the past.

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Peter, why infamous ? Acoustic curtains exist . @Tomser use them. They are made with special materials and are more heavy.

Luv that…don’t change your Avatar😉

So perfect for this forum then? :grinning: (Luckily I can’t see the Mana my 27 year old TMS is sitting on from my listening position.)


Well, mine had the upgraded board too, so there! Oh, and I did have mine sitting on Audiophile BASE rack for awhile too! So there, right back at you wise guy! :crazy_face:


Besides, I AM old!

Ouch…you’re good!

Come on, let’s get this thread to 100.


Pretty much mimics my experience James as I was starting again a couple of years ago during renovations. It was close but at the end of the day I preferred the ATC’s on ultimate SQ terms and the flexibility of source which I feel is the best balance .
Without doubt though the Kii and D&D approach will continue.

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I am sorry, my memory was lacking. I thought to remember that you use something specific for your large windows. My remembering from the french forum.

Ah ok, thanks for clarifying. These curtains are specially made for audio purposes ? Sold the same as panels, bass traps…etc

Another one now on my shortlist is the Dynaudio Focus 20 XD, or possibly one of the floorstanding models. It’s not cheap compared to the AE but I’ve been chatting to my dealer again, who said he was blown away by the quality of one of the floorstanders.
They have a digital input, which might be a step too far for me, but analogue RCAs too.

PSI Audio speakers might be an option to consider.
If hadn’t choose to classic path of amplification, I’d certainly had given those speakers a try (Swiss made!)


or the PSI A215-M

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