The REL No.25 has Landed!

PMC sub has gone out and REL S510 is in. I’ll keep this short.

I wished I’d done it sooner but better late than never. The REL made the PMC sound like garbage. Instantaneous lift in sound quality, very clear improvements from the get-go further optimised with minor adjustments in the placement of the sub and level + crossover.
Very pleased with the result. A major step forward even with a single unit. I don’t have the space or funds for a second one so I’m settled.

The level is set very low, 2 or 3 clicks from min. Crossover is higher. I’m curious on the settings that people use on their RELs


Far too elegant - perhaps one of these?


About the same as you (more or less)!

Glad you’re enjoying it, RELs really are awesome!


BGreat to hear that your pleased with the REL - a fantastic addition to your system! I have a LED readout of the No.25 so voume is about 20 (which is similar to you I think) my crossover is 64 :+1:

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Moved the sub to the centre of the room between the speakers just to check on the results. The sub was also moved further out into the room closer to the front of the speakers. This arrangement looks a lot better than the previous set up where the sub sat lopsided.

Well, it’s the results that matter and to my surprise the new placement managed to improve on the previous set up. Better quality and more impactful bass, and the integration is even more seamless. Fiddled with the settings, no change in the level while the crossover was increased by one click.

Very pleased with the REL.


Here’s what I’ve got mine set at. Very similar.


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