The Rory Gallagher Story

I was at the Great Western festival in 72…do I remember RG doing more than one set?..
Saw him many times in Birmingham in the early 70s…even bought him a pint
at the Pot of Beer when he played the Aston Uni student union. Always a great gig, great showman …and lots of girls rushing the stage to kiss him!
Great memories.


Yep he played Friday as billed and then on the Saturday when Helen Reddy couldn’t play due to her up and coming pregnancy


Andy when we finalise the day I will get in touch with you with the Bonhams meet up
Your comment on the fuse thread earlier made me smile :smiley:
I read that thread and I respect the poster and his ways of getting more out of gear but I do think its bordering on audio obsessive behaviour.
I think it gets to the stage were they just listen and disect everything in their equipment.
I have a good system but just listen to the music as the system just gets out of the way .
And the music speaks…not some £200 fuse…more vinyl or CDs :cd:
Enjoy the sun…The right way round …


Agree with you on all points.

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Only having 3 RG albums this looks interesting:


Just finished watching documentary, feeling quite emotional!