The Rory Gallagher Story

BBC iplayer

Some awesome footage and accolades.


Added to my List… :slightly_smiling_face:


I watched it a few weeks ago and I intend to watch it again. I reckoned I knew most things about Rory but I learned a lot more!

I will always regret missing that Ulster Hall gig, I can’t recall the reason why I missed it but it always annoys me when I think about it!


Started watching, but not finished yet.

How can the Beeb produce brilliance like this, while at the same time the dross of “reality” sh1te.


I watched it last night and have seen many documentaries on Rory in the past.
This was by far the best.With so much new footage.
It was a joy seeing Johnny Marr and Brian May talking about Rory and their love of his guitar playing and how he shaped them as guitarists.
Gerry Mc Covy Rorys long standing bass guitarist talking about Rory and how when Rory started getting ill.It broke his heart.
The annual Rory Festival in Rorys hometown of Ballyshannon and guitarists covering Rory songs was nice to see near the end
Fabulous incite from Donal his brother and manager
I thought it was so moving on the night of his funeral sleeping in Rorys bed and how Rory came to him in a vision .
Little things like Rory was incredibly shy off stage and no wife or groupies.
He lived for the road and was transformed going on stage to the one of the greatest guitarists that ever was
I miss Rory but take comfort in the superb musical legacy
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I was very lucky indeed to have seen him play live twice. First at the Hammersmith Odean on the Calling Card Tour then a couple of years later at Canterbury University where Rory passed right next to me on his exit from the stage through the crowd.

I have mentioned this before but page forward about 10 years after the Canterbury show and I am sitting in an exam hall doing an Open University maths paper - I look up at the invigilator sitting on the stage then suddenly realise this is where I saw Rory all those years ago.

An outstanding musician and a true gentleman. As they said in the programme we are very lucky that his brother has control over his legacy.


Lovely story Andy and so ironic about your maths exam must have made you reflect on Rory.
I never saw Rory live and only got into him after a music loving friend and fellow guitarist said to me you have got to play some Rory Gallagher about 15 years ago.
My mate saw him as a 12 year old at Birmingham Odean taken along by his dad in the mid 1970 's.And was absolutely blown away as a first gig .
My mate gave me his dads copy of Tastes on the Boards album on vinyl which was his late fathers as a present.
That album is probably one of my favourite albums on the shelf as it belonged to my mates dad who passed on and a gift of pure kindness.

Another thing in the documentary they mentioned was Rorys lyrics I always thought that as well he could really tell a story in his lyrics
Philby about spying is a good example

Its so nice to discuss Rory with fellow music lovers who Rory touched


And fellow musicians memories of Rory
And what a lovely guy he was


As I did. Very good…


To play in the North in the mid-70’s that must have taken some balls.


Really good watch, Taste were one of my favourite bands, saw them Glasgow City Halls 1970 and following year saw Rory at the Electric Gardens with his new band, an awesome live performer. On balance I preferred Taste, the documentary was interesting in revealing he didn’t really want Taste to break up but some poor management decisions were the underlying cause.


Thanks for this link, will seek out shortly.

First saw Rory at Southend Kursall in 73 or 74. During a delay due to a bomb scare he came in the bar and said ‘anyone buy me a drink?’ No shortage of offers! He then played on and on, refusing to let the idiots win.

Last saw him in 88 I think at small venue in St Albans, great atmosphere. What a performer, ‘Live In Europe’ with its young Rory on the front, a great live album.


Saw Rory quite a few times around London in the 70’s. Fondly remember his VOX AC30 propped up in a chair on stage. Phenomenal guitarist and performer. Happy memories :guitar:


Rorys guitar collection is coming up for auction at Bonhams and you can go and look at them.I hope someone like Joe Bonamasa or Brian May buys the strat.Rather than disappearing into a private collection and never seen again
Someone who will play it and understand its heritage and iconic status

Hope its ok to post a link @Richard.Dane

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I think they are hoping it will stay in Ireland.

Here is a great interview with Rory’s brother on the auction - for once the interviewer asks the right questions.

Click on words below:-

*Rory Gallagher guitar to be auctioned*

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Thanks Andy I will have a look and send the link to my guitar playing Rory loving mate who informed me about Bonhams sale in October
We are planning a London trip to see them together
Are you tempted to go up for a look ?

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Talking of which I think this might be an interesting curio as introduced by Billy Connolly with John Bonham a few months before his passing.

Rory is on fire (Ted McKenna on drums)

Warning there is a lot of moving hair in this clip.

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Indeed, just let me know time and place and if I am around I will definitely make it.

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I first saw Rory in Taste in 1970 then in 72 at the Great Western Festival in Lincoln and again in 73 when he was on tour supporting his Blueprint album. He was on fire that night in 73 and looking back on that gig it is probably in my Top 10 of all time. Myself and a friend were in discussions with his promoter for Rory to headline a gig in 77 but that fell through due to date availibility. I then bumped into him at an after gig Al Stewart event in late 78. Al was on tour to support his Time Passages album and Rory who was due to play a gig in the city the following night came in with the band. We got chatting at the free bar and had a great laugh and more than a few drinks. We talked about various things but he remembered those gigs I had seen him play at. He was a really nice guy and IMHO is up there with the best guitarists of all time as on stage he gave it his all. I never saw him again after that night. Funnily enough he was the one that I bought my first lumberjack shirt to go and see. Fantastic memories and have to say thinking about him has brought a little tear to my eye.