The Sic Safco capacitors have gone

One more question, I noticed some 300 series are marked “DESIGNED IN UK” and some are “DESIGNED AND MADE IN UK”. May I ask are the ones marked with “DESIGNED IN UK” made in

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Thank you for providing these insights.

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Do you mean people should not even ask questions when they have questions in mind or should not query but accept whatever they were told?


Question everything.


As with many things in life, I would submit it’s the way the questions are asked. Some of the phraseology used has been accusative and tantamount to questioning the integrity of Naim’s R&D and operational processes, which Steve has helpfully detailed.

In many businesses, this might be regarded as commercially sensitive information vis supply-line contracts and procurement terms.


Absolutely agree with this, I’m by turn surprised by and appreciative of the level of detail provided here by Naim staff.


If I’m buying a gold bracelet, I want to know what percentage of gold is in the mixture and how many carats there are. Likewise, if I buy such an expensive audio component, I want to know exactly which electronic parts are inside, and what the manufacturer is obliged to explain!


Am I correct in assuming they are the same Samwha 47uf 35v SG capacitors you already have on hand and are using in the new amplifiers?

OK, staying with your very simple and not very ‘on point’ gold bracelet comparison, while you have the right to have the constituency of the gold certified as this is fundamental to the value of said item, you don’t have the right to understand the production processes behind its manufacture, which may well be protected by patents and intellectual property rights (IPR) – which, given Naim’s expertise, is probably beyond the understanding of many here, as it should be, as they are the experts. Also, the ‘value’ from Naim’s products is the way they sound, it’s nothing to do with the sum of the value of the parts within the box.

Would you not buy (say) a Porsche on the basis they wouldn’t reveal the make-up of the central ECUs and how these are programmed, which generate the car’s superb handling and performance? Thought not.

FYI, Naim has published some white papers – here’s a link to one on the ND555:

ND 555 White Paper Final_0.pdf (

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The manufacturer is not obliged to explain anything; in just the same way you are not ‘obliged’ to purchase a product.

If you are unhappy with how something performs then purchase something else…


Ha ha! My dad has a better car than yours. You took my toy! I’m going to cry now.

When there are no arguments, then low passions fly like balloons. what level is this? “you don’t have to buy”. …
so we are not talking here about bakery cake or bracelets but about expensive equipment.

Frankly, I understand that intellectual property is a major thing here and I respect that. But we live in a world where every hi-fi device, speaker, is viewed on YouTube, every component analyzed. There are companies which take you to the their factories, show the insides of the devices, etc. as many links on YouTube as you like.

The fact that Focal Naim has marketing that doesn’t know what it’s doing, so they don’t know how to fix such revelations as caps yellow or bluish, that’s a problem Focal/Naim needs to be entertained with.

And yes, I want yellow capacitors because the device costs €11,000, which is probably cheap for you.

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I know in many cases diction is vital in communication. However, I am not sure how should I express the question or the perplexity in a more proper way. Could you please give an example that how would you ask the same question?

Sure, I really appreciate that. This is one of the reasons that there are so many Naimers and the company can stand for 1/2 century

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AFAIK units that have been assembled at Naim’s site in Slovakia will say so on the rear panel.

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Interesting so instead off saying designed in UK they are now going to say made in Slovakia.

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Maybe U should try Potemkin village’s language? I’m sure they understand that just fine. :face_with_peeking_eye:

I’ve only seen 200 series so far. The ones that have been assembled at Naim Slovakia site state; Designed by Naim Audio, Salisbury, SP1 2LN. Assembed in Slovakia. I assume any 300 series units that might need to be assembled in Slovakia will be the same, but as I’ve not yet seen any of the 300 series beyond the prototypes, I don’t know for sure. Perhaps @110dB will know here.

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So we are back here again :joy:

The only reason this thread is here is because Naim showed an internal shot to wet our appetites and to be fair in good faith then something has changed. i dont personally think we are all bothered about one component, i dont think it makes a difference because the production units are the only option.


That is because there is a Tooth fairy in side that plays along. Not the device. Which is made of components.