The Sic Safco capacitors have gone

I’m reminded of an incident many years ago when I started at Naim as their Customer Service Manager, I received a complaint from a customer who said that their recently purchased CDX2 sounded awful and would like it seen to and fixed. To cut a long story short, it turned out that their CDX2 was far from standard. They had looked inside and seen the components but then read up online about various so-called “upgrades” by changing out various components for more exotic and apparently revered alternatives. They had obviously spent a great deal of time, effort and money in doing this, on the basis of expecting an appreciable increase in performance. The only problem was that the sonic result was a disaster. Naim would have to remove all the “upgrades” and return it to standard.

A (costly) lesson; best to trust in the very clever people in Naim’s R&D that they know what they’re doing and if a component is chosen and in the box, it’s there because it allows the kit to perform as they intended.


That’s a good idea, I will try

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Even the fuse and the fuse holder in the circuit box can significantly influence the sound. The UK standard plug also had different sound characters than the US and EU standards. Even though I know many people do not believe this

yea i know mate, everything makes a difference im sure.

The case with this pre amplifier is they changed something and thats the standard. i honestly think if steve had waited for the finished images nobody would be bothered. he was just being nice and wanted to show off the insides of the new kit, thats fair init really

Hi Steve, apologies if my wording above about the contents of the preamplifier was a litte forthright - to clarify, it doesn’t matter to me because I trust in the research, development and absolute care that I know has gone into the product.

Thank you for taking the time to provide the insight into the process and choices made, it was fascinating to read.

Meanwhile, I am now nearing the end of the 4th week of listening to my new preamplifier and it is sounding wonderful, with a huge enjoyment factor.


It’s true. I wonder if other companies could have customer service at this level, especially the designer stating such open and detailed instructions in this case. Very respectful!

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exactly, its interesting the reasons for the change etc and it shows in business not everything is easy easy as youd think.

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It appears that these days One has to be gratefull for being replied from anyone in the Company. That is apsurd. What I buy gives you paycheck, I do not buy, no paycheck. Is not this called Capitalism? Did not someone’s earlier reply said, if You do not want to buy, just, do not. Then, the Company has no income.

Looks cold outside the window of your plane.


Thanks god that’s just the looks

When I had been at Naim for a while I needed some specific advice and asked Richard where best to find it.

"R & D - ask Gazza’

I went down to the dungeon and approached Gary (whose name I WELL knew) and asked

“Which one of you tossers is Gazza?”

I believe he held me as a bit of a merchant banker from that moment onward.


That’s why you never got the job as Bentley Ambassador.

I was, in my youth, dining in Monte Carlo and chose to have steak au poivre for my main dish. The waiter explained it was with green peppers.

In my ignorance, I insisted that I wanted it with black pepper - over the waiter’s explanation that green was what the chef wished his guests to eat that night.

My steak arrived and was sublime. I always suspected that it came with a little justified spit.

I think the original would have been better - but I did get my colour choice.

No one was pulling a fast one on this gastronomic ignoramus.


Dear Naim, do not censure me. That is below. … ….

Great. got it.

So - not all negative.




Excuse my ignorance but I have no idea what you are talking about :man_shrugging:t3:

My comment was straightforward - buy it if you like it; don’t if you don’t.

To be even considering the purchase of a £7900 GBP HiFi component based on the colour of its internal components indicates more money than sense?

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