The times they are a changin’

Except that the ND5XS2 has no remote. It’s the Narcom amplifier remotes that have the ‘pre’ button.

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Thanks @anon4489532 you are absolutely correct. My Narcom remote came with my SN3.

I have the remote that came with the 272.

Holy Mackerel FR

You and Hifiman were spot on.

I’ve just reshelved all the gear.

Put the 272 back on the Xanthe isolation platform.

Unplugged the Naim dac and the Qutest.

Disabled all the 272s inputs except Analogue 1.

And put the 555DR back on the 272, now acting solely as a preamp.

And the ND5XS2 using its own dac.


It sounds way better.

The best SQ I’ve ever had by a long chalk.


A very clear feed from the ND5XS2.

And mainly because the 555DR is now wholly devoted to powering my preamp.

And all this is still with Tidal 16/44.


Not using the nDAC anymore? I’m curious for your situation if feeding the nDAC bare from the ND5XS2 is even better. Glad you’ve found just how good the ND5XS2 is. Naim did a great job with it IMHO.

Great! But why not connecting the Ndac? Even without a ps, it will improve over Nd5xs2.


Just buy another 555 for the NDAC and you’ll be sorted :rofl:


I hope that radiator is off!?

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Actually, I can’t connect the nDAC bare because it didn’t come with a blanking plug.

But one is on its way to me.


Yes, it just emits sound waves, not heatwaves.

That makes sense! You are in for a treat once it arrives.

You have made good choices. And the pleasure is not finished, you have the Ndac/ Nd5xs2 to discover and Qobuz too.
Happy days :+1:

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The new system.

Just plugged it all in and played the first tunes (Paul Bley, Keith Jarrett Trio).

I keep getting shivers down my spine from the purity of the music.

ND5XS2, nDAC/555DR, 252/SuperCap2, 150x, SL2s.


Whouah! A big upgrade Jim. Congrats!
The 252/ SC 2 were serviced ?
It must be a big uplift, not?


I just picked them up from Darran in Sheffield.

This is a totally different beast.
Proper separates.

This will keep me happy for years.


You must be very happy, I imagine.


Absolutely delighted.

I’m going to play About Time by Paul Bley next, which is a half hour piano solo that wraps together so much of jazz and blues.

It’s been quite a journey, FR.

Next time you’re in Blighty, come and have a listen!

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Excellent stuff. Glad you sorted it all out just in time for the new year. Let’s hope it’s a better one.
I wish you and your family a marvellous Xmas and a great new year.
Enjoy the music, Jim. :sunglasses:

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Thanks Tony.

Now Ive finally got the stereo sorted out, I can finally focus on writing my book…

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Thanks Jim, why not, maybe if one day in your area. Thanks for the invitation.

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