The Weather!

This afternoon’s rain is pleasantly warm. My own fault really, washed Mrs Willy’s car this morning.


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Please go to see a doctor ASAP to get it checked out, that you think it could be sunburn is not a reason to delay any longer than Monday. Your doctor would rather you go earlier than later, as would your loved ones.

I had regular sore throats for a few years and did nothing because I thought it wasn’t serious. My GP and cancer doctors all told me I should have had it checked out earlier and if I had, it would have been a simple tonsillectomy rather than major surgery, chemo and radiotherapy. I beat the odds and survived despite not going early, which surprised my medical team. Any mole that changes should be seen by a doctor and if it is a worrying one it can be dealt with quickly and relatively easily.


Absolutely……my daughter was sent immediately by our Doctor as she likes the sun and a mole by her nose started bleeding. They took samples for biopsy which were OK, but offered to remove it, which she took up.


After a quick minty fresh shower to help cool down.

Especially that heat sensitive nomad nether region will feel like the aircon has been turned up to 11.


Not correct, because as others have said the process of cooing is not 100% efficient. The losses in the process result in more heat being discharged to atmosphere. So, in lay terms the increase in energy content of the hot air pumped exceeds the decrease in energy of the cold air output.

There is a famous A level question which probed this. It asked, if you put a normal refrigerator in a totally sealed room, and then opened the door of the refrigerator, what would eventually happen to the temperature in the room ? Most people guess that it would cool down. This is the wrong answer.

so, looking forward to cooling off in the 40C ambient temp after work on Tuesday?!

Luckily that’s my day off.
But, thankyou for considering me


It’s pretty good though using just a couple of hundred watts given a sensible Delta T and a correctly size unit for the room.

People without experience of aircon tend to think that you have it running flat out so your house has icicles dangling off the ceiling! :cold_face:

And keep your cooing to yourself! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I live in the US we have central air. Actually two systems . Usually keep the indoor temperature at 74 year round

There’s a silver lining to tomorrow’s heat. You can spend the day cleaning vinyl with fluid that will be at optimal temperature without you having to heat it :grimacing::+1:

Only if I do it outside :hot_face:
Inside is :cold_face:

Hope you guys are all ok and a cool change isn’t far away.


A piece of opportunistic TV scheduling here in the UK today - Film 4 have White Christmas showing this morning :sunglasses:

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I’ve grown grapes outdoors just south of Manchester for several years. Even produced wine from them!


Don’t think that would work in Preston!

Preston is no problem for growing grapes outside, even in pots.

Reading this reminds me of Viz :grinning:

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My cartoon for Tuesday’s Metro



Is it usual to get days of 35c in the UK?

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