Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

We were following this Mini on the road through Middleton Stoney earlier today. I wonder if it’s a new model?


Could be a wrap to disguise bodywork changes, or just not to my taste.

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Maybe Cheech and Chong out on a test drive? :joy:


What does that mean?

Cheech and Chong were a duo who did comedy routines and made movies (Up In Smoke is my favourite) largely around drug culture.


It appears to be the new yet to be released model, as it’s a “mini” there’s not a lot of change.

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I think so, that is a wrap to confuse photographs and it seems to be on trade plates .

I was very disappointed with the engineering on my last two Minis and now drive a Suzuki

You’re up early or late getting to bed :grin:

Wishing I had taken the sleeping tablets…

Hoping you are feeling ok?


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I’m feeling much better thanks but just heading out to see my local GP, it’s part of the follow up and a condition of my discharge from hospital.


I was very disappointed that the driver had crossed the double and solid white lines.
Must be an old person.


That’s because it was at traffic light controlled road works.

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It sounds like a condition of parole (which I have read about)

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

best wishes


A brief trip to Oxford today, not quite what I was expecting at all. £15.80 to park for 2 hours (pay and display) was just the ticket to be honest so close to the centre - several spaces available at St Giles which was a lucky discovery.

Hard to put my finger on it but seemed like a tourist attraction more than anything. Film crews at several sites including the Bodleian. Walked around for ages trying to decide which pub to visit to buy a drink and spend a penny only to realise I’d probably walked past the public conveniences outside the covered market a few times without noticing them!

Also interesting to reflect that maybe 15% of my annual mielage to date (9 months in) has been on a single day.

The car is used fairly frequently but mostly for very short distances - most of the time I have 2 passengers or am carrying bulky loads which would be less practical in a smaller vehicle. Nonetheless, I often wonder if I could ditch the vehicle.

Replacement patio started.



During dinner, starting hearing strange noises - rustling/scrabbling/flapping.
Thought it was outside, so went out, checked the bins, the outdoor boxes - nothing. More noises, went out again. Nope.
Post dinner, to the sitting room to watch Secrets of the London Underground on the goggle box.
Noises definitely coming from the chimney. Removed the Chimney Sheep. Yep, there’s a bird - probably a pigeon - fallen down the flue and now stuck. Not a lot we could do except put the fire guard back and wait.

And eventually the somewhat dazed bird, made it down to ground, the kitties were removed, pidgie was retrieved and released into the garden!


Phew! What a lovely story.

We both needed an extra glass of Pinot Grigio, coz of the stress…. :laughing: .

Jasmine, the youngster, was the most “freaked out” of the three kitties. Even after the pidgie was gone, she returned to the fireplace several times to check!

Edit: half a hour later , and Jasmine is back at the fireplace. She’s really freaked. Time to deploy the Dreamies.

Edit 2: Dreamies deployed; Jas has wandered off.

Edit 3: Jasmine appears to have gotten over her worries and it now involved in “three way zoomies”.


Daughter called us into her room a few days ago due to strange tapping/almost scratching noises overnight.

I feared a rodent in the attic or floor space below.

The sound moved around randonly.

Light-bulb moment and I nipped to our bedroom and turned off a fan.

Noises in daughter’s bedroom stopped - the high-powered fan had been randomly rattling ornaments hanging on a piece of string hanging from the adjoining wall picture rail! :slight_smile:


Well, that was the fan’s excuse…….LOL

TBF, this was only the second time in 26 years!

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