Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Yes, at 4:27 this afternoon I see. Perfect time for a beer.


Any time is a perfect time for a beer Mike :grin:

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Those Turtles were pretty talented :wink:


Hmm a “fresh thread”;
the spirit of the last thread that I saw started with a ‘long post’ that went to length showing all the steps required on a computing process… (and the ‘time lost’ to such a process); whilst I acknowledge the time ‘modern world’ “easyness” steals from us, I felt silly adding boring simple stuff from my life to such a thread.

Wanting to celebrate a small personal victory from yesterday (still less than 24 hours ago), I got my Heavy Rigid vehicle license.
It was middle of the day when I did my driving test, and then, on foot and public transport, travelled out to the wild west and applied for a job, at retail, in a hock shop.
The person behind the counter didn’t want to talk with me (meant they had to leave the air conditioned office), and the upshot was simply for me to send in my resume and just join the queue like everyone else…

I had travelled and walked a lot in 39degree celcius heat to get there, and was ‘falling asleep the whole way home’ (also on trains and buses)-it had been a ‘long day’.

The win of the day was seeing a particular bus driver I had met earlier the week, and who encouraged me to apply for the public bus driving jobs going over here presently (400+ positions), and the class of license I just netted allows me driving the ‘articulated’ (bendy) buses.

Anyhow I normally let the cat out at 5am and then make coffee for the missus at 6am.
sleeping in this morning (after letting the cat out), the missus MADE ME the coffee before heading off to a private cleaning gig she does on Fridays (55 years young and still cleaning like she was at 17!)
So, being the one day each week I can play music loud without (potentially) bothering anyone else (in MY house at least!!); I took the opportunity to jam some music through a nicely breaking’ in Nait amplifier.

Last couple of nights I have ‘used the headphone circuit’ as that allows me to leave the volume dial up ‘really high’, and the resultant sound improvements suggests this HAS HELPED the breakin process somewhat. (otherwise the amp has been 'at the threshold of volume kicking in when left playing overnight)

I guess an advantage of this week is being able to play all those ‘seasonal’ soundtracks that never get spun otherwise… (a few of them I miss hearing, so, ‘yay’)

Anyhow not wanting to steal 24hours from anyone reading a ‘long post’; thanks for letting me celebrate my personal victory (with licensing @ department of transport) getting that Truck license!
should allow the missus and I to move to a motorhome lifestyle (and legally drive the 33ft Leyland bus we bought earlier this year).

The Nait we use was chosen to be an AV Bypass ‘small thingy’ under an Anthem Atmos processor… (and to take up as little space as humanly possible).
as a long time reader, but ‘recent participant’ on this community forum, ‘thankyou’ to y’all.
I really appreciate the community spirit that these pages share and show.
'much love and ‘seasons greetings’.


Perhaps part of their anti-theft protections as, I understand, razors and shaving products are some of the most shoplifted items? Just stick them in a bigger and more noticeable box, making the product look bigger in the process – 2 birds and all that.

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Also baby food


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Thing is, when shopping in many of the convenience stores nowadays in the UK (mini-supermarkets et al), people take their own bags in and use these instead of the baskets, a Covid-generated behaviour to minimise surface contacts. Add this to the positioning of the tills away from the exits in many locations, and you have a recipe for ‘not paying’.

Spent a significant ammount of yesterday trying to cross the channel. Arrived at Le Shuttle, queued for 1.5hrs to be told it was closed due to technical issues. But here’s a ticket for P and O instead. Drove 15km, to join more queues. Another 3 hours and on a ferry, just to Dover rather than J12 of the M20. The reson this mattered was i had " fine tuned" my last EV charge to get home ( J11 of the M20). And now things were more critical. Yes, i could have charged, but…
I managed to travel from Den Haag to Calais, including charging , in less time than it took to cross the channel. Home with 5 miles remaining…


Your stress levels must have gone through the roof, I felt so sorry for those people caught in the Eurostar fiasco

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That sounds like a real challenge. We returned on Le Tunnel on Monday evening and it went like a dream, and Mrs HH and I were most co corned for everyone caught up in the mess yesterday. I’m keen to get an electric car but already get a bit stressed when the petrol gets down to 1/4. It’s reassuring that you manage it ok. We are off to Delft in February and will visit Den Haag in search of the Goldfinch. We are going on Eurostar via Bruxelles, rather than driving.

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Unusually i was quite calm, watching those around me losing it instead. And some of the stupidity of others. Seeing people squeeze between moving cars was " intresting". The comms from Le Shuttle were poor, leaving those at the check in to fill in the gaps.

EV driving in NL and B is very easy. Excellent on street parking and lots of rapid chargers at resonable money. In those 2 countries there are very few reasons not to have an EV. My Bmw i3s is more of a city car, but has done a number of UK and European 300 mile journeys easily. Planning ahead and having a plan B is key to range anxiety.


Thanks. We have an Audi A3, which is a lovely car to drive and pretty efficient too. I’d quite like another Audi in electric but they are all far too big and far too expensive. The forthcoming VW iD2 looks like it will be really good when it appears in 2025. Our A3 is five years old now, so we will wait a few more years before making the switch. We tend to drive to the south of France each year, but with a bit of planning it should be fine.

Tricky this, but if feeding the baby surely ‘breast is best’ if the mother can do so and would potentially be a cost cutter.

The problem I suspect is that in many instances the mother may not be the person directly involved with this particular crime.

Beyond the first few months, babies do of course require food.

It’s a sorry society where people feel driven to steal to feed their babies, but I suggest we leave it there for obvious reasons.

Had bilateral lumbar and sacro-iliac nerve block and facet joint injections earlier, numb bum now wearing off. Hopefully, they will be effective longer than last time, fingers crossed.
And done during the junior doctors strike, wondered why it was quiet.

Fingers crossed for you.

Thanks, I hope so too. The future could be a bit grim otherwise.

Mrs Deeg decided to scurryfunge so got roped in to assist… so much a a quiet day before the chaos. Consoled myself with an afternoon wedge of panettone.

Got a PCN for partially parking on double yellows across the road in order to bring the shopping in - parking has increasingly been chaotic in the last 6 months or so with many cars whose owners we don’t know parking outside for days on end without moving. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to park outside our houses, something which was never an issue years ago until new lights were added at a junction for no apparent reason with loss of parking spaces close to the lights.

Can’t really complain about the PCN of course, just forgot to go back to move the car after putting the food in the fridge/freezer which could have waited. I am a bit cynical though as the only time the wardens seem to appear is at Christmas or New Year.

The Council seem hell bent on altering traffic flow for the worse as well, and have changed a popular nearby road to one way with a dangerous bidirectional cycle lane where you’d expect to be driving as you turn right onto it (people often turn into the cycle lane in error).

Plans now afoot to prevent a right turn at lights a few hundred yards away which will mean traffic will have to probably drive half a mile, turn around and go left or take detours through quiet residential streets.

I think there’s some kind of traffic experiment going on.

Also why do they stick bus stops or pelican crossing immediately after junctions or roundabouts when you’re concentrating both on the road/crossing ahead as well as what might shunt you from behind when a pedestrian steps out quckly?

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