Thoughts re new system (XS separates or Atom HE and AE1 actives

Combined with a proven streamer and preamp, though IIRC some improvements were made in that area for the HE.
(This is adding to your post not criticising it)

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My dealer feels that the stand alone ND5XS2 is a better streamer then what is included in the Atom HE. If the OP would ever consider the NDX2 then streaming would really be better.

Well I’ve just spent an enjoyable three hours at my dealers listening to music after which I purchased an ex-demo NAP250DR, an Atom HE and Focal Clear Mg’s. I should be able to pick everything up next week. Next upgrade will be new speakers to replace the LS50’s. I took my speakers down to the dealers to listen to them with the new gear and I was surprised how good they were so they’ll do for now. Thanks for everyone’s responses to my original post.


Congrats, that sounds like a great system being able to drive many loudspeakers.

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A fine tipple I must say. :tumbler_glass:

Glad that you’ve found a system that you like.


Excellent choice! I am sure you will enjoy your new system when it arrives.


enjoy!! glad you didn’t sleep on the LS50s :grinning:

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