Tidal connect not working through app

Hey Naim community, I decided to take advantage of the lower hifi tidal pricing and ditched spotify. It works ok through my main app and connects with my Muso (1 st Gen) and Uniti (firmware 4.8). Both were working perfectly with spotify through its app. Now neither of my devices work through the Tidal app as they are not found (the Muso can be found with Airplay though). Any ideas why? I did some troubleshooting by changing passwords, reinstalling the apps but nothing. It is really annoying to have to open the naim app to choose the music. Thanks for the ideas.

I am quite sure that Tidal Connect doesn’t work with the old platform, be it Muso 1, Ndx, Superuniti, Nd5xs…

Well… i am reading that now it only supports play through the naim app. It is very annoying as this is not as it used to be a few years ago. Might bo back to Spotify for seamless play functionality on the app. Thanks!

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Is there a particular problem in using the Naim app?

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Naim’s 1st generation streamers have never been accessible via the Tidal app. They only ever worked with Tidal controlled from the Naim app.
There are some features that only work within the Tidal app, but that is out of Naim’s control as they can only access features that Tidal choose to include through the API they make available to third parties. The only way round this would be to get a 2nd gen. streamer that supports Tidal Connect.


It’s very easy to add Tidal Max to a naim gen1 device.

We were using an SMSL PO100 Pro to do this into SuperUniti via SPDIF originally.

However, software/apps have caught up and apps like mconnect can now do the job, We also use this with NDX2.

Hopefully at some point in 2024 naim can make Tidal Max available via firmware but given app workarounds are available it’s not critical. (Most manufacturers/competitors had this available by Jan 2024 so naim are already 3 months late with delivery).

Our SMSL has been repurposed onto PS5!

No, but its not the same experience than using the Tidal app in terms of discovering new music. I think I will live with it…
Still my Uniti sounds great and I don’t need an upgrade.

I have downloaded the mconnect app and tried a few tracks.None playing in the max format.Could you please explain the set up procedure to get the hi res files to play on ndx1.

Terrible app I am not wasting any time on it, until Naim updates the second generation streamers.

Open mconnect
Select track
Select play to… then naim device!

That’s it!


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