Tidal Connect

It works from Tidal desktop, too.

Yes, it works fine from the Tidal desktop app on my Mac too. I use it a lot. :ok_hand:t2:

any issues/reports from users on Tidal Connect volume control after Android 12 update? since Android 12 OS update volume bar is missing for Tidal Connect and you can not change it on Atom directly from Tidal app while casting (only via native Naim app or via Chromecast casting). Tidal claim it is Google issue but it seems that it affected users (at least all users having Pixel 5 and A12 using Tidal Connect).

One for @tomvamos

Initial research suggests its the unfortunate by-product of a legal dispute between Google and Sonos. We, and others, are caught in the cross-fire.
More info here.
Apparently it will be fixed in Android 12L


Google has already fixed it, or applied a workaround, in the latest monthly (security) update. So for Chromecast it’s working again, but unfortanetly not Tidal Connect.

So it seems Tidal does need to fix something, either their own volume implementation like Spotify has, or somehow hook in to the non-patent infringing way Google is now doing it.

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