Tidal Flac Hi-Res

@naim can anyone confirm if Tidal 24bit flac is coming to the Unit Atom?

I’ve just bought one, think it’s great but quite disappointed it doesn’t support 24bit Tidal.

My Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 has been supporting it for ages now.

I’m still within my return period so if Tidal 24bit isn’t on the way it would be good to know. Thanks

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Probably June, but not something official.


Not sure why Naim hasn’t said anything yet. The streaming board just released their update about a month ago, so now it’s up to the streaming companies to make their personalized updates. So it’s certainly capable of playing Tidal Max once it’s gets the firmware update.

The streaming board also mentioned usb direct connection from a computer and Spotify updates. So maybe if Spotify ever released lossless, it will already be capable. But I guess up Naim to decide what they implement.

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One thing I have noticed is if you use the Windows Tidal app, you can stream via Chromecast (mobile devices default to Tidal connect). When a 24bit Flac is available it does play at Max, otherwise it defaults to 16bit as usual.

The Ear’s Jason Kennedy loved Jplay as well. Rabbit hole opened.

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Hi Kimbleman

The Wiim (only a cheapo mini) is now working perfectly into my NDX via an optical cable, I did have some initial drop out problems, but I believe that some of this was most probably user error.

I am actually getting used to this now - I select the correct input on the NDX (one of the digital inputs dedicated and re-named Wiim on the screen) and from there toggle between Spotify and Tidal on an iPad enabling me to get the best quality stream for my chosen track.

I am considering an upgrade to a Wiim Pro ( last of the big spenders is me! :joy:) as a good friend has had a very good experience over and above a Wiim mini.

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Thanks Mr. Happy that’s very helpful. I might just buy a Pro myself then as it’s a lot cheaper than an expensive naim upgrade but using my ND5XS still retaining the main sound. Best of both worlds for a couple of hundred quid! :+1:


Where do you see the actual bitrate?

Bit rate on Tidal stream is displayed (in yellow in this instance) underneath the time bar:-

For the record WiiM are developing a new device called the WiiM Ultra which will have a screen, aluminium case and USB audio output. It should be available Q2 2024

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This is the bit I don’t get. Just say what is happening. Even if it is second half of the year at least there is a target people can work with, rather than this total lack of communication.


I think I will switch to Qobuz and will see if I will switch back to Tidal after the issue has been solved. I did an extensive comparison over the last few weeks and in my opintion 24-bit Qubuz sounds a lot better than 16-bit Tidal on my NSS 333. The only reason for switching back in the future might be the subscription costs.

I have both and have been waiting to go to Tidal only for months now. The organisation of things in Qobuz is terrible. When querying for things it just returns a jumble of unsorted stuff.

And the Tidal connect feature is pretty cool for providing everything the Naim app does not.

So living in this limbo of double subs till Naim supports hi res Tidal.

But I can fully understand your choice.

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I have been with Qobuz for 1 year. Terrible bookshop, badly organised, you look for an artist and you get a jumble without logic. I’m back with Tidal.


This is exactly why I cannot use it to replace Tidal!


In my opinion the biggest crying shame is that Spotify doesn’t offer hi res streaming.

Fir me it wins hands down in the eye Candy and ease of use stakes.

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But if Spotify eventually does release lossless, are we going to have to wait over 6 mo for Naim to upgrade their Connect feature to handle it? The streaming board did mention that their next est firmware did have some Spotify updates. And heard some other Streamers had Spotify lossless already ready to go when Spotify finally was ready to release it.

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Spotify has a billion useless playlists

Thing with them is they probably wont offer native integration. So no Naim app or Roon support. Will always have to use Connect.

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I see another pop corn thread in my cristal ball: Spotify lossless.
And comments : “ why Naim had not integrated yet the Spotify lossless?


Then Amazon Hires….