Tidal High subscription but no Flac

I wonder what happened, but seemingly I only get MP4 44,1 kHz, 320kbit/s. I have a Tidal High subscription, use the Tidal Connect to my N272. This was flac quality for sure some time ago. Did I miss something? Tidal Support forwarded me to Naim Support as I use The Tidal Connect of Naim…

Maybe you have changed a setting?

I am getting cd quality (16bit/44.1, but nothing higher) into my 272 using the Naim app and an upper tier Tidal subscription. If you are using wifi I would suggest running an ethernet cable from your router to see if it changes things.

One thing. I once changed the download to low and changed it back to high. This might need time? All the other settings were not changed.

Ps. My set up if fully wired and tweaked (so to say) for reasons of SQ.

The track that’s currently playing will continue to play in at the previous level. After that, they should immediately play at the new level you have selected. That’s using the input settings in the Naim app. If it’s not working like that, maybe log into Tidal on their website and check the level there.

Okay, I haven’t check at the website itself. Thanks.
Btw. Via de Bubble app (just checking) it works all well.

Yes, there are settings that can be selected in the Tidal App as well. Not sure whether this effects a wired connection though, probably not is my guess here.

I checked the Tidal app, Naim app and the website. I reset the Naim app also. Had to log in again. Still no flac via de Naim app. No problems with the Bubble app. I still don’t understand.

The settings in the Tidal app affect playback through the Tidal app, not the Naim app. It’s the settings applied to your subscription, which you can see by logging into the Tidal website, that you should check if you are concerned that you are on the wrong plan.

Thanks again. As far as I am concerned, all settings everywhere are correct and the same. Tidal Support forwarded me to Naim Support. I made a request now to Naim.
Playing Tidal via the Bubble app to my Naim (UPnP) gives no problems.

1st gen streamers don’t support Tidal Connect, so if you were in the Tidal app you may have been using Airplay. Otherwise using Tidal from within the Naim app should give you FLAC up to 16/44.1.

I meant the Naim app, that’s the one I use.
I use this for 4 years now, so that’s why I am confused.

Unless recently changed the highest resolution supported by Naim players is 16/44 quality. The API (or whatever it’s called) is available apparently to allow HiRes flac to be decoded but that will require a firmware update from Naim and the appropriate subscription.

1st gen streamers will not get HiRes support via firmware update. You need BubbleUPnP Server or other workarounds for that. The OP should still get 16/44.1 though.

In terms of the original query, I’d never tried Tidal Connect till 5 mins ago. I don’t have a Max subscription, but what I saw in the Naim App was a Tidal Connect page showing the track was FLAC 44.1kHz 16-bit. I saw exactly the same when I accessed the same track via the Tidal input selected in the Naim App.

If I change the quality for the Tidal input in the Naim app to High, then it plays the AAC 44.1 kHz 320kb/s version - as expected. Now with Tidal Connect the same track is still showing as playing at CD quality.

Looks like it’s just a case of getting the settings right in each app depending on which you want to use as the “source”.

Now got to go and put mine back…

The Tidal High should play flac files. Tidal says:

"High (Up to 16-bit, 44.1 kHz)
Listen to over 100M songs in studio quality with FLAC. As an open source format, every artist can create and deliver high fidelity music with ease. "

This is exactly what my Naim app did for years. Now, recently, it plays AAC (MP4) 44.1 kHz, 320 kbytes/s. When I play the same song through the Bubble app, it plays flac.

Naim Support now conducts a survey and will let me know. Ps. I checked the settings over and over.

Wow! It seems that the Naim app should have been set to Hifi, whereas the Dutch Naim app version was set to High (Hoog in Dutch), just as my Tidal subscription. But High in the Dutch Naim app is not the same as High in the Tidal subscription :woozy_face:

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